
Monday, January 10, 2011

MMD’s ‘preferred candidate’ syndrome goes to N/Western

MMD’s ‘preferred candidate’ syndrome goes to N/Western
By Kabanda Chulu in Kitwe
Mon 10 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

SOME MMD members in North Western Province have been advised to avoid contesting certain positions during tomorrow’s provincial conference to enable the national executive committee’s preferred candidates to go through unopposed.

But MMD provincial chairman Pinakin ‘peter’ Patel, who is re-contesting his position, said all positions at the conference would be elective. MMD sources on Saturday revealed that David Kapwepwe, who comes from Kabompo area and wanted to contest the chairmanship, was told to vie for another position.

“Kapwepwe is hardworking and people want him to be chairman but when he declared intentions, they advised him to go for the vice-chairmanship because certain positions have been reserved for other people as per NEC directive but we are wondering. What kind of democracy is this whereby people are not free to contest positions they want?” one of the sources said. “And this is bad for a party that was formed on the premise of democracy and people are looking forward to see competition so that a formidable team can be ushered into office considering the losses the MMD has incurred in recent by-elections under the current leadership.”

And Kapwepwe confirmed that he wanted to contest the chairmanship but opted for the vice-chairmanship to preserve unity in the party.

“I am vying for the vice-chairmanship since I saw that there can be divisions in the party if I had gone ahead and it is true to compete to strengthen democracy but in some instances, it is wise and shows maturity to avoid stiff competition for the sake of party unity,” Kapwepwe said.

And Patel, who is currently unopposed, said there had been no such directive from the NEC and people were going around the province conducting campaigns.

“There has always been stiff competition during our party elections especially for the main executive committee. And we also expect competition to thrive in women’s and youth committees but as at now, I am unopposed. But it is too early since people will start arriving in Solwezi venue of conference on Monday and nomination deadline is on the actual day of the meeting and we hope to see many people showing interest to contest various positions,” said Patel.

President Rupiah Banda is expected to officially open the conference tomorrow and will immediately fly back to Lusaka.

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