
Monday, January 10, 2011

‘Abuse of office removal a scheme to shield crooks’

‘Abuse of office removal a scheme to shield crooks’
By Roy Habaalu
Mon 10 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act is a scheme to shield crooks from prosecution, according to a Mongu clergyman.

In an interview, Fr Gregory Muliya, the parish priest for St. Johns Catholic Church, said the abuse of office clause was an impediment to corrupt government leaders who accumulated wealth beyond their earnings. He said with the removal of the clause, crooks would not be held accountable for acquiring wealth dubiously.

“It is a scheme by a clique of corrupt politicians who have acquired wealth dubiously and are scared of prosecution when they leave power. They are ensuring that any law that they think will put them in trouble is removed,” Fr Muliya said on Friday.

Fr Muliya said the removal of the abuse of office clause would weaken the fight against corruption because it would not be pursued as vigorously as it was done during late president Levy Mwanawasa’s reign.

“This will promote corruption and if left unchecked, it will undermine the growth of our democracy. It will create a big gap between the poor and the rich because those who are able to manipulate the system will have no problems while the majority of our poor people will remain poorer,” he said.

Fr Muliya said as the country goes to the polls this year, people should question further why President Rupiah Banda allowed the removal of the abuse of office clause from the ACC Act.

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