
Monday, January 10, 2011

ZNFU calls for Cottan’s arrest

ZNFU calls for Cottan’s arrest
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 10 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

ZAMBIA National Farmers Union says Peter Cottan should be arrested over his “irresponsible and unfortunate” statement that bread prices are expected to surge this week due to ‘artificial shortage’ of wheat in the country.

Cottan, who is Millers Association of Zambia (MAZ) chairman, complained that National Milling Corporation (NMC) and other millers were finding it expensive to access the wheat owing to the surge in market prices.

He said MAZ would pass on the cost of the high cost of wheat to final consumers of bread. Cottan, who accused ZNFU of hoarding the wheat prices despite the bumper harvest, called on the government to ban wheat exports being driven by high international wheat prices.

Currently, wheat prices have surged to US$530 per tonne from US$320 at its lowest ebb.

But ZNFU president Jervis Zimba said Cottan’s claims were callously dangerous, irresponsible and aimed at undermining the government’s efforts and those of farmers in ensuring food security in the country.

Zimba said the country had sufficient wheat stocks after the harvest two months ago, and there was no shortage to warrant NMC’s proposal for a 60 per cent hike in flour prices.

He said Cottan’s statement was “very dangerous to the peace of the country” as it was capable of creating anxiety and fear among the public.

“The union is therefore calling for the Inspector General of Police to arrest Mr Cottan for inciting the Zambian consumers and the general public to rise against the farmers and the government on grounds that there is going to be acute shortage of food and imminent unprecedented food price increases,” Zimba said.

“We also demand that Mr Cottan tenders a public apology to the Zambian Government, ZNFU and the farmers of Zambia and withdraw the statement henceforth.”

He also challenged Cottan to make public the minutes of the meeting where all millers met and resolved to increase the price of flour by 60 per cent starting today.

“The Union is desirous to know and establish as to whether this is a general position of all millers or it is Mr Cottan’s personal agenda,” said Zimba.

“The Union would like to warn that it will not sit idle and watch the farmers of Zambia being maligned as a greedy group of people in the public eye. It does not matter whether that person or institution is so powerful or well known…”

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