Monday, January 17, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF ready for elections: Khaya-Moyo

Zanu-PF ready for elections: Khaya-Moyo
By: New Ziana
Posted: Monday, January 17, 2011 4:00 am

ZANU-PF National Chairman, Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo says the party expects the constitution drafting process to be completed soon and pave way for the referendum, so that people can go for elections, as provided for in the Global Political Agreement (GPA).

Ambassador Khaya Moyo said the GPA has clear provisions that there must be a new constitution before the country goes for elections, but it appears there is a deliberate ploy by some parties, which are now buying time in the constitution making process and developing cold feet as they are afraid of going for elections.

He highlighted that Zimbabweans have now realised the true colours of the MDC-T after Wikileaks cables revealed that the party supports the tightening of sanctions on the country, yet the same party purports to serve the interests of the people.

Ambassador Moyo added that Zanu-PF is ready for elections and will abide by the provisions of the GPA.

“We have not been sitting on our laurels, we have been working and we are ready for elections.

"We know that there are some parties that are now developing cold feet and would do anything to delay the constitution process, but they will not succeed.

"We want to make sure that the process is completed soon so that we go for the referendum, then elections as provided for in the GPA,” Moyo said.

The National Chairman revealed that the Zanu-PF Commissariat has been going round the country on a restructuring exercise from the cell level going upwards, which was meant to rejuvenate the party.

Ambassador Moyo said there was consensus at the party’s 11th National People’s Conference held in Mutare in December last year that the inclusive Government has run its course and that it is high time Zimbabwe is run by a solid government with clear principles.

"It is difficult to work with people who are pulling the other way when you are pulling the other way.

"The MDC call sanctions restrictive measures, what is restrictive when they are comprehensive, when they are hurting everyone?” asked Moyo.

Ambassador Khaya Moyo commended Sadc, the African Union (AU) and the progressive world for taking a position in calling for the unconditional lifting of sanctions on the country, as they are not only affecting a targeted few but are hurting the entire population.

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