Monday, February 28, 2011

AVAP raises alarm over MMD activities in Mporokoso

AVAP raises alarm over MMD activities in Mporokoso
By George Chellah in Mporokoso
Mon 28 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

AVAP executive director Bonny Tembo has exposed the MMD’s alleged malpractices in the Mporokoso by-election campaigns. In an interview, Tembo said his organisation had established that the MMD was dishing out money to women’s clubs in the area.

“What is happening now is that they have resorted to forcing women to form clubs and these clubs are being given K1 million per club and the new clubs that have received that amount are about 20. The old clubs that had been in existence were being given K2 million or K3 million by the Minister of Community Development,” Tembo said.

“This trend has continued by this same minister. We are also very worried on the issue of sponsored meals. They are telling people to go and eat meals from specific restaurants, which they have paid for and thereafter they get voters card and NRC numbers. This is a new strategy so we are now wondering whether it’s a local or international strategy since someone told us that he was reviving his dribbling skills. It’s like a barter system, ‘you have a sponsored meal and you vote for us’.”

He said commerce minister Felix Mutati was promising people that an investor was coming to set up a filling station in Mporokoso, which was against the Electoral Code of Conduct.

“We hear that chief Mporokoso has been promised to be given a mining licence. I don’t think our chiefs should be turned into miners. Even the market construction project, which stalled has begun now,” he said.

He said Mporokoso Secondary School had been given about K550 million and mattresses.

“So they have to wait for by-elections to get these donations. We are worried with the influx of government vehicles, some of them have number plates removed,” Tembo said.

“We are also questioning the presence of ministers and deputy ministers. Who is paying for these expenses? Are they on party or state duties because government resources can only be used by the President and Vice-President and not these ministers who are here?”

He urged politicians to adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct.

“We don’t want to have cash and carry type of elections. We don’t want rich fools becoming leaders all the time at the expense of poor people,” Tembo said.
He also urged the government to look after the police.

“These are the people who look after our lives when they are here, so let them take care of them,” said Tembo.

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