
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chiluba’s ‘dribbling’ is irresponsible - Kabimba

Chiluba’s ‘dribbling’ is irresponsible - Kabimba
By George Chellah
Thu 24 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

IF violence or civil strife follows this year's election it should be blamed on Chiluba’s irresponsible "dribbling" remark, says PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba. The former president's comments followed his discovery that President Rupiah Banda was “vulnerable, insecure and panicking about the 2011 elections”, he said.

Kabimba said Chiluba was taking advantage of President Banda's state of mind by offering himself as an MMD "spin doctor".

“Chiluba deceived President Banda in the same manner over Luapula when he promised he could deliver the province to him during the 2011 elections, when the truth of the matter is he is no longer a factor there,” he said.

He described Chiluba’s statement on dribbling as irresponsible.

“It’s irresponsible in the sense that . . . Zambians . . . have made up their minds that MMD must go and will show that through the ballot. Any contrary circumstances, genuine or otherwise, will be a result unacceptable to the people of Zambia.

“Therefore, any violence or civil strife that is likely to follow the 2011 elections should be attributed to Chiluba’s irresponsible statement. By that statement Chiluba is inciting the people ahead of the elections. As far as the people of Zambia are concerned nothing will change their minds about Chiluba being a criminal during his 10 years in office.”

He wondered why Chiluba had failed to dribble his way through the third term bid if he were indeed a dribbler as he was claiming.

“How did he fail when Zambians unanimously said ‘Chiluba must go?’ I have every faith in the Zambian people that they will send President Banda out of State House on account of his partnership with a criminal like Chiluba,” Kabimba said.

“It is also an established fact that Chiluba can only be a hero among fellow criminals in the MMD, not to the people of Zambia.”

He advised the government to learn from the recent events in Egypt.

“The Mubarak regime in Egypt was removed on account of corruption by those in government while the ordinary Egyptian person was suffering and wallowing in poverty. The people of Zambia are in exactly the same condition today,” Kabimba said. “PF will fight for the wellbeing of the Zambian people to ensure that the MMD and their consultant, Chiluba, have no way of dribbling the Zambian people against their will ever again.”

He appealed to Zambians to continue to register as voters.

“They must secure their voters' cards and turn out in huge numbers on election-day to say no to another MMD government after 2011,” Kabimba said.

“We appeal to all PF leaders to mobilise for this very noble national exercise.”

Speaking at the MMD 2011 card renewal exercise at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka on Saturday, Chiluba promised to revive the system of dribbling.

The former president assured President Banda of victory in this year's election.

He said he and other MMD members were prepared to go out to every area and ensure victory.

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