
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Heidi Holland lied about Mugabe: Charamba

COMMENT - For an extensive review of Heidi Holland's 'Dinner With Mugabe', check out:

Heidi Holland’s Dinner with Mugabe: Failed Demonography
by Stephen Gowans
September 28, 2008

Heidi Holland lied about Mugabe: Charamba
By: Nancy Pasipanodya
Posted: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 3:46 pm

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe's press secretary has dismissed the series of events highlighted by Heidi Holland in her book "Dinner With Mugabe" as a lie. George Charamba says the book was written before the "dinner" took place and therefore is an inaccurate account of the man.

Charamba says Heidi by writing the book had joined the "Mugabe-bashing" crew who lie and write falsehoods about the president. In an opinion piece in The Herald, Charamba writes: "Mugabe gazing has become the single largest preoccupation in opposition politics and diplomacy."

He adds: " One classical case of such malice is Heidi Holland's 'Dinner with Mugabe', a book which has turned out to be such a propaganda runaway, yet such an atrocious lie, so well written by some old, bitter white Rhodesian girl whose deeply ingrained racist contempt for Africans, clawed to a plinth of respectability once Robert Mugabe did a few good things for his long-denied people, thereby making the white man weep."

Charamba says: "People get surprised when I tell them the President was interviewed well after the book had been written; that he was a postscript to his portrait by a woman already working the embittered the British, with the angry Rhodesians, with the eager MDC-T, all to lay propaganda material just ahead of the March 2008 harmonised polls."

The book was a propaganda tool meant to appease the British who wanted to "validate a mythic monster with which they want history to replace the flesh-and-blood Robert Mugabe" according to Charamba.

Charamba says the real interview between President Mugabe and Holland is available and will be published one day to discredit Holland's report.

"Thankfully, that interview is available, and shall one day play, clearly showing the man he could never be."

Heidi Holland is a South Africa–based Rhodesian journalist and author who has been involved in the journalism industry for over 30 years.

"Dinner With Mugabe" is published by Penguin Books.

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