
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Continued detention of Barotse activists has been dented by politics - Milupi

Continued detention of Barotse activists has been dented by politics - Milupi
By Brina Manenga
Thu 10 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

The continued detention of the Barotse activists has been dented by political interference, says Luena Member of Parliament Charles Milupi.

In an interview, Milupi who is also Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD) president said the detaining of the 106 was undemocratic and an injustice to humanity.

“I seriously call for the unconditional release of the 106 that where picked up from various homes.

These people were picked up from their own houses and a number of them were pointed out by MMD cadres. The police are aware of this fact but their investigations have been dented by political interference which is unprofessional of the police,” said Milupi.

Milupi said it was unfortunate that most cases in the country were being influenced by political interference.

He said the detaining of the 106 by the MMD government was tantamount to torture.

“We are wondering why these people have not been bailed out. We wonder why they are being kept in very poor conditions,” said Milupi.

Milupi questioned why the government found it necessary to move the detainees from Mongu to Mumbwa.

“I wish to question seriously why these poor people have been moved from their area of jurisdiction in Mongu were they have the magistrate. Some of them have ailments which require regular medication. Some of them are missing school. Why was it also found necessary to move them at midnight to Mumbwa?” he asked.

“This is torturing people and I call upon this government to reflect on these issues. They should say why they are treating these people this way.”

Milupi said the government’s treatment towards the detainees was the first in the history of the country.

“Why are they doing this to the people of Western Province?” asked Milupi.

He said it was unfair that their families were unable to visit them.

“Their families cannot even see them because they have been moved to a place where their poor families cannot visit them. Their families cannot even see them when they appear before the magistrate,” he said.

Milupi said government should set up a commission of inquiry to question the conduct of the police in Western Province during the fracas.

“The police did not conduct themselves professionally. People were shot dead while others were wounded,” said Milupi.

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