
Thursday, February 10, 2011

MMD should be removed, says Dr Ng’oma

MMD should be removed, says Dr Ng’oma
By Brina Manenga
Thu 10 Feb. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE MMD government has not been responsive to the needs of the Zambian people and that warrants their removal from office, says Dr Alex Ng’oma. In an interview, Dr N’goma, the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) president, said it was unfortunate that the government had not listened to the demands of its people.

“As FODEP it is our belief that the national agenda should be people driven rather than being driven by the politicians the way it is at the moment. There are a lot of things in the country that have gone against the will of the people,” Dr Ng’oma said.

“If you look at the privatisation of Zamtel and Zanaco, people were opposed to that but government went ahead and privatised them. The majority of people opposed the removal of the abuse of office clause. They wanted to appeal against the acquittal of former president Frederick Chiluba, but government sat on everything.”

Dr Ng’oma said the shelving of the 50 per cent plus one threshold was testimony that the government did not respect the wishes of the people.

“Whatever it is that the people in office want to do they will go ahead whether the Zambian people oppose or not. Our appeal to government is that it should be a government for the people. It should listen to the wishes of the people for us to live in harmony,” said Dr Ng’oma.

“These are some of the examples to show that this government has taken the people of Zambia for granted. People should not be surprised if voter apathy continues because government is not doing what is in the best interest of the people. People will distance themselves from government because they think their wishes are not being appreciated.”

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