
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Egypt uprising is a lesson for Africa, warns Mususu

Egypt uprising is a lesson for Africa, warns Mususu
By George Zulu
Thu 03 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

AFRICAN governments must learn lessons from the political uprising in Egypt, says Bishop Paul Mususu. In an interview, Bishop Mususu said the political uprising in Egypt was a clear indication that Africans would not allow their leaders to take them for granted. He said Zambia was not an exception, hence the need for dialogue and focus amongthe leadership to avoid what had happened in the North African state.

Bishop Mususu said elections and good governance were very important in addressing issues of corruption, unemployment as demanded by people in Egypt.

"The happenings in Egypt are worrying and they must be a lesson to all of us. Our leaders should take note of the issues demonstrators in that country are raising. They want a corrupt free government,” Bishop Mususu said.

“They are demanding for employment, they are saying poverty levels are too high and I feel they are genuine and the major challenges rest on the leadership."

On the failure by Ivory Cost President Laurent Gbagbo to heed to the demand for him to step down, Bishop Mususu said it was a responsibility of all elected leaders to permit democracy reign. He said it was disappointing that African leaders perceived the position of presidency as personal to holder.

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