
Thursday, February 03, 2011

MMD’s trend of rigging is likely to continue - Chongwe

MMD’s trend of rigging is likely to continue - Chongwe
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 03 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

The trend of rigging elections by the MMD government since the Frederick Chiluba days is likely to continue during this year's elections, warns Lusaka lawyer Dr Rodger Chongwe.

Commenting on the forthcoming general elections and the happenings at the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) where chairperson justice Florence Mumba resigned following pressure from the government, Dr Chongwe said the credibility of this year's election is in serious doubt.

He said the MMD government was fond of rubbishing the integrity of Zambians who had proved themselves successful beyond the borders of Zambia. Dr Chongwe said it was therefore not surprising that a person of integrity and honesty like justice Mumba had found herself at the centre of attacks because she was immovable in her beliefs that the electoral process should be free and fair to all stakeholders.

He said President Banda's government did not want to conduct a free and fair election.

"It is from that premise that the current state of affairs in the powers above, spearheaded by, I think, Vernon Mwaanga and his colleagues that the credibility of the elections this year is in doubt," Dr Chongwe said. "And in order for the MMD to win, persons like justice Mumba are not preferable for holding the high office of chairperson of the Zambia Electoral Commission. That is clear from the way that Florence has been treated by our government. It is a sad reflection that the rigging which started with Chiluba in 1996 is likely to be with us in 2011."

Dr Chongwe said although President Banda's government may not admit it, the truth was that Zambia had never experienced free and fair elections since 1996.

"The MMD has maintained its hold on power because of electoral fraud. So I would only say this that a lot of people lost their lives to achieve one-person one-vote and one-value. We have seen no reflection of the reasons for the loss of lives of Zambians in achieving this," Dr Chongwe said.

Dr Chongwe said the new ECZ chairperson should be a person of high integrity, who must be unanimously agreed upon by all stakeholders in the electoral process. He said it was incumbent upon Zambians to press President Banda to be transparent in the manner of conducting elections by putting in place conditions for the holding of credible, transparent, free and fair elections.

Dr Chongwe said President Banda should meet and iron out all the contentious issues on elections with the opposition and civil society.

He said the happenings in Egypt were likely to happen in Zambia because Egyptians were, among other things, dissatisfied with the outcome of the recent parliamentary elections which were in favour of President Hosni Mubarak’s ruling party.

"That happenings in Egypt can happen here if the authorities decide that the best way of conducting elections is the Chiluba way. I don't subscribe to the Chiluba way of cheating during elections because it creates anarchy and it destroys the country," Dr Chongwe said.

"Our President only a few weeks ago visited Egypt just after the parliamentary elections and I am quite sure he was pleased with what he saw there."

On plans by those in government to reinstate dismissed ECZ director Dan Kalale, Dr Chongwe said seasoned politicians in Zambia were aware that Kalale was user-friendly to the political heavy weights in MMD.

"I invite him President Banda to please assist in avoiding the anarchy that has happened in the Ivory Coast and also in Egypt," said Dr Chongwe.

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