
Monday, February 28, 2011

Listen to people’s demands, lecturer advises MMD

Listen to people’s demands, lecturer advises MMD
By Roy Habaalu
Mon 28 Feb. 2011, 04:00 CAT

THE MMD have no choice but to pay attention to people’s demands for them to remain in power, says a university lecturer.

In an interview, Phineas Bbaala, a lecturer at University of Zambia, said anything short of addressing people’s political, social and economic demands, the party would be shortening its stay in power.

“Holding all factors equal, the length of service of a ruling political party should be determined by the people. Citizens will decide whether or not the party should stay in power depending on its performance. If MMD intends to remain in power, they’ve no choice but to pay attention to the demands of the people,” Bbaala said.

He said the worst period for the MMD was during Frederick Chiluba’s regime between 1996 and 2001.

“Chiluba’s second term of office was like a curse to the people of Zambia and was the worst period Zambia experienced in its political history. The best period was between 2002 and 2008 under Levy Mwanawasa’s regime,” he said.

He said those in government had an opportunity to deliver and make history for themselves.

Bbaala said the government had failed to benchmark some of its actions to the best of its political, social and economic practices of 2002 to 2008.

He said Zambians seemed to be happy with most achievements made between 2002 and 2008.

Bbaala said the greatest leaders the world had ever had were those who listened to the demands of their citizens.

“It’s easy to remain in power provided you listen to what people are saying. Government should have a barometer to sense demands of its citizens. There should be a mechanism for aggregating those demands into finished goods and services,” said Bbaala.

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