
Monday, February 28, 2011

Rupiah is not a friend of the Lambas - Mpombo

Rupiah is not a friend of the Lambas - Mpombo
By Abigail Chaponda in Kafulafuta
Mon 28 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda is not a friend of the Lambas, says George Mpombo. And PF vice-president Dr Guy Scot has regretted the fielding of two candidates separately by PF and UPND in the Mutaba ward by-election.

Addressing Mutaba and Muteteshi residents in Kafulafuta on Saturday, Mpombo, the MMD Kafulafuta area member of parliament, said President Banda was a political failure. He said this when drumming up support for PF candidate West Phiri in the Mutaba ward by-election.

“President Banda is a traitor; he is not a friend of the Lambas because he has managed to destroy everything that was built by late president Levy Mwanawasa.

So you must vote him out of power because he doesn’t deserve your vote,” he said.

Mpombo said President Banda had forsaken the Lambas by not bringing meaningful development in Lambaland.

He accused President Banda of caring more for animals than Zambian people.

“Ba Rupiah has neglected you, he has forsaken you. There is no meaningful development that he has brought here. Instead, he goes to his province and builds a road for animals. He cares more for animals than the people of Zambia,” he said.

“That one (President Banda) is a tragic political failure. He being a President of this country is an accident. Look at the way he is chasing Lambas from government, he wants to put his own people in our positions. He is not your friend, he has betrayed you, vote him out of power. “What is wrong with this man (President Banda)? What kind of beer does he drink for him to think the way he is thinking?”

Mpombo said Lambaland was an MMD stronghold but urged Lambas not to waste their votes on a traitor like President Banda and his party, the MMD.

“This year, in this area, vote wisely and vote for a good man, a friend of Lambas and one person who is going to transform this country, vote for Michael Chilufya Sata. He deserves a chance too. Ba Banda had his time and he has not used it wisely; let’s give Sata a chance,” said Mpombo.

And Dr Scot said PF and UPND were sister and brother and that their differences should not bring hatred among the two parties.

“It is regrettable that the two parties fielded two different candidates, we regret that. We are going to sort out our differences and everything is going to be okay. Please in your campaigns, do not insult UPND; those are our relatives.

We need to support each other, our common enemy is MMD, de-campaign them, not your sister UPND,” he said.

Dr. Scot said the MMD had over-stayed in power and that it was time they gave chance to another party to rule as well.

“Wherever I have gone, I have never heard that someone has stayed in power forever. Time comes for them to give chance to others. MMD has been in power for 20 years. That is too long, they should go,” he said.

“We are here to ask you to come on board with us PF, so that together we can change this country. It is time for MMD to go. It’s normal, they must go because nothing lasts forever. Even if the people in government are our friends and relatives, they must go; it’s now time for PF to govern the people of this great nation.”

And as the meeting was going on, a man from the same area stopped PF members from flashing the PF symbol, saying it was an insult to chief Chiwala.

“Chief Chiwala doesn’t like you people lifting your fist; it is an insult to him. It is a crime for people to lifts in this area. I advise you to stop before you are caught,” he said.
But PF members ignored the man and continued raising their fists.

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