
Monday, March 14, 2011

Fr Chibuye urges politicians to respect electorates

Fr Chibuye urges politicians to respect electorates
By Brina Manenga
Mon 14 Mar. 2011, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS should not allow themselves to be taken for granted by political leaders during this year’s elections, says a clergyman.

In an interview, Fr Patrick Chibuye, who is Caritas Mpika director, said Zambians had allowed political leaders to take them for granted by not holding them accountable for the decisions they make.

“Leaders have taken Zambian people for granted forgetting that the electorates are the ones that put them in power. The leaders should ensure that they govern the country according to what the people want which is not the case at the moment,” he said.

Fr Chibuye said there was need for political leaders to show respect for the people that put them in power because if that were not the case, they could easily be removed from power.

He said there was need for political parties and the electorates to sign social contracts that would ensure that politicians delivered what was due to the Zambians.

“There is need for the introduction of social contracts that should be signed by the electorates and the political parties. That will help in holding leaders accountable for their promises. People will refer to the contracts and see whether the promises are being fulfilled,” he said.

Fr Chibuye said Zambians were entitled to better health and education which they should demand at all costs.

“A country can only develop if there is a good constitution which we do not have at the moment. Without a good constitution, people’s rights will not be respected. That is why Zambians should fight for a better constitution,” said Fr Chibuye.

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