
Monday, March 14, 2011

This year’s polls will be rigged - Kabanda

This year’s polls will be rigged - Kabanda
By Roy Habaalu
Mon 14 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THIS year’s elections will be rigged and manipulated, says Simon Kabanda. During the declaration of the national conference on the people’s constitution at Mulungushi International Conference Centre on Saturday, Kabanda said those who steal votes had already started doing so.

“I know that even this year elections are going to be rigged, they will be manipulated. Votes will be stolen. I am speaking with a heavy heart. From 1991, I have been monitoring elections and we witness these things. I am a witness of the stealing of votes in this country,” Kabanda said.

He said those who steal votes had started going into compounds asking people to submit details on their voters cards and National registration Cards. Kabanda alleged that the MMD had been telling people that they could only access loans if they submitted their details.

“I am not saying it (rigging and manipulation) may happen; it is going to happen this year. When we say this, we’re called prophets of doom alarming the nation. No, we just want the nation to know that we may not prevent rigging but can ensure that those who rig don’t get the power,” he said.

Kabanda said it was surprising that when votes from other areas reached Lusaka, they changed colour and shape.

“In 2006 we monitored elections in Kapoche and were surprised that a presidential candidate got 30,000 but the registered number of voters was 27,000. When it comes to counting votes, we are surprised that they change colour and shape when they reach Lusaka,” said Kabanda.

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