
Monday, March 21, 2011

Panji’s political stand is correct - Mpombo

Panji’s political stand is correct - Mpombo
By Patson Chilemba
Mon 21 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

George Mpombo says Col Panji Kaunda’s political stand and endorsement of Michael Sata for president, despite being a UPND member, is correct and an accurate assessment of the political landscape.

Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament, said people would only dismiss Col Panji’s remarks at their own peril. He said Col Panji was a magnanimous and pragmatic gentleman who made the statements from an independent mind.

“The impact arising from what Col Panji is saying is politically sound. Here is a man speaking from his own heart. Here is a man saying ‘I am UPND but will support Sata and the PF’. He has taken a step after a rational assessment of the issues. So what Col Panji is saying is very rational and balanced, and principled. He is a principled gentleman,” Mpombo said.

“He is a forthright gentleman who does not mince words when it comes to discussing issues in a rational manner. He does things without fear or favour. So his opinion is making a formidable impact because here is a man who is coming out clearly with an accurate assessment of the political landscape.”

Mpombo said Zambians should reflect seriously on what Col Panji was saying and effect the necessary regime change.

“Zambians must dismiss with contempt allegations that Col Panji is issuing those statements because he is facing a financial crisis. Those are depraved views. So I support what Col Panji is saying. He is demonstrating integrity and independent mind,” Mpombo said.

“If it was somebody who has no morals he would say ‘I won't speak because my father is a former head of state’. Being son of a former head of state does not mean he should shut up. He has been on his own for a long time.”

Mpombo also said the demonisation of Sata by the state-owned media had reached criminal levels, saying those were things which undermined democracy.

He said the nation could not afford to have public media institutions spreading malicious rumours against a political candidate.

“You can’t have government media giving prominence to people running fake NGOs which are funded by government. Even the gay issue has been blown out of proportion. So they must know that people are not stupid. They are able to see what is going on,” he said.

Mpombo said the country was in the mood for change because the MMD, which has been in power for 20 years, had descended from vibrancy to lackadaisical leadership.

“Leaders want to reap even where they did not sow…the leadership of Rupiah Banda has destroyed the ideals on which MMD was founded,” said Mpombo.

Speaking on Radio Phoenix's Let the People Talk programme last Friday, Col Panji said the situation on the ground was showing that Sata had a greater chance of winning the elections and he would campaign for him in this year's elections despite being a UPND member.

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