
Monday, March 21, 2011

Zambians are determined to change leadership - Mambo

Zambians are determined to change leadership - Mambo
By Florence Bupe
Mon 21 Mar. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE current happenings in the political sphere are a clear indication that Zambians are determined to have a change of leadership, says Bishop John Mambo. In an interview, Bishop Mambo said Zambians were no longer passive and they would ensure they are not cheated in this year's elections.

He said although the ruling MMD was already using all kinds of tactics just to stay in power, the electorate was alert and determined to elect into power a leadership that would prioritise the needs of ordinary Zambians.

“It's clear that people want change, both the old and the young. We no longer want leaders who just sleep and play games in Parliament,” Bishop Mambo said.

“People are tired of being in the wilderness and they will fight through their vote to get out of the wilderness.”

Bishop Mambo said the ruling MMD should learn lessons from the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa and realise that a wave of change was taking place across the globe.

He warned political leaders not to grow too comfortable and feel they were untouchable.

“Who thought Muammar Gaddafi could be touched? Our leaders need to realise that we are not an island and the revolution that has swept Libya, Egypt and other countries could spread because people have been neglected,” he said.

Bishop Mambo advised the electorate not to be compromised with gifts in exchange for their vote.

And Bishop Mambo said he, like many other well-meaning Zambians, was ready to face arrest for conducting the parallel vote tabulation (PVT).

He said President Rupiah Banda's position on PVT showed that his government was not a listening one and he was ready to disregard the wishes of the majority of Zambians just to stay in power.

“The people of Zambia have cried out on so many issues which the MMD have chosen to ignore. Why are they (MMD) trying to tailor the Constitution to suit their desires? What happened to the 50 per cent plus one calls? Now the President is trying to intimidate us over PVT but we will side with the Catholic Church and others who've said the system should be implemented to enhance election transparency,” said Bishop Mambo.

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