Sunday, March 06, 2011

PF prefers united opposition - Sata

PF prefers united opposition - Sata
By George Chellah in Mbala
Sun 06 Mar. 2011, 04:02 CAT

MICHAEL Sata says PF remains open to dialogue with other opposition political parties for the sake of national unity. And Sata urged PF members to intensify their campaigns and mount a drive to get people registered as voters.

Opening the Northern Province party conference yesterday, Sata said the PF leadership would prefer to have a united opposition in the country.

“I want to repeat my message to all our fellow citizens in the opposition, that while we are ready to fight on without other opposition parties, it is more desirable, for national unity's sake and as insurance for success, for us to work together,” Sata said.

“So I extend my invitation to the other opposition political parties to reconsider their current positions. Further, we in PF are ready to discuss the expectations of other opposition political parties and come to a position that will be a 'win win' for the people of our great country once again.”

He said the people of Northern Province should not underestimate themselves regarding this mission.

“In spite of the great political contribution and sacrifices that the Northern Province has made to the development of Zambian politics and support rendered to succeeding parties which formed government and support to their presidents, the province remains underdeveloped. Apart from the work that Kenneth Kaunda did under the UNIP administration that is where we saw some major development,” Sata said.

“As for the performance of the second Republic, its pre-occupation was to enrich the leader through stealing of public resources and enabled himself to buy 300 pairs of shoes, more than 150 pairs of suits, countless shirts. What he could not keep, he passed on to his girlfriend, all this from your tax.”

He said the second Republic built nothing except to sell companies that Kaunda's government created.

“Today, the former leader has been recruited by President Rupiah Banda to come and show how to dribble your vote again as he did in 2001,” Sata said. “President Mwanawasa was a well-meaning president. At least he tried to fight the crimes of high level corruption which the second Republic leader introduced during his tenure.”

He said President Banda's tenure since 2008 had been to betray Mwanawasa's fight against corruption and the stealing of public monies.

“He has reversed all the gains Mwanawasa had made in his fight against corruption. He has made a complete turnabout against Mwanawasa's efforts to develop the country,” Sata said.

“Banda has gone on to recruit thieves as his political advisors. So you the citizens of this country can clearly see how much of a failure Banda's government is.”

Sata said the road network in the province was in a deplorable state.

“Should you people truly accept this kind of fate, when the properties that the second Republic leader bought with citizens' stolen money, stolen from your taxes are being returned to him and he goes scot-free?” Sata asked.

“For your own sake and that of your children and grandchildren and all those who come after you, reject this government of Rupiah Banda and its failures.”

He said the provincial conference and this year's general elections should be a turning point.

He said the PF's focus for the province once in power would be infrastructure development, improving the road network, extending the railway line to Mbala and Mpulungu, expanding the hydro-power stations, rehabilitating Mbala airport for both commercial and military purposes and encouraging agriculture and aquaculture.

He said PF hoped to economically empower the Zambian citizens and not through corruption and blatant theft like the former leader and Banda's gang.

“As you know, there is no honour between thieves, soon they tell on each other, bazaulula,” he said.

Sata encouraged the delegates to forewarn all party members to be alert as MMD might try to rig the elections like they had done in the past.

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