Monday, April 04, 2011

Take 2011 polls seriously - Duffy

Take 2011 polls seriously - Duffy
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mongu
Mon 04 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MONGU Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy says this year’s general elections are an opportunity to replace a leadership that represents the darkness of corruption instead of the light of national progress.

During a sermon delivered at a Mass conducted with his soon-to-be successor, Fr Evans Chinyemba, at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in Mongu yesterday, Bishop Duffy urged Zambians to take the forthcoming presidential and general elections very seriously.

Bishop Duffy, who based his sermon on how God used the Prophet Samuel to anoint the insignificant shepherd boy, David, as the second king of Israel, said the electorate should look at the hearts and not the external desposition of the people that wanted to lead the country.

“You know that it is something that needs to be taken seriously,” Bishop Duffy said. “We see when Saul, the first king, was rejected because he did not pay attention to God's word...God decided to anoint a new king. This was one thousand years before the birth of Christ.”

Bishop Duffy said the most unlikely person in his family’s eyes, David was anointed King.

“God judges by the heart. He looks into the heart of man and knows,” Bishop Duffy said. “What criteria are you electorate going to use? Are you gonna go by some of the external desposition, some of the insignificant things? Are you really gonna look into the individual that you think truly has the capability of leading the country to prosperity. That is the challenge; not to go by the appearance but really go by the heart.”

Bishop Duffy said there was need to look at people that had a heart for the people and not those that were just interested on holding on to power at all cost.

Bishop Duffy said the election was about choosing darkness from light. He explained that darkness represents all kinds of corruption, unfaithfulness and lack of commitment.

“But the light is the opposite. The light brings out integrity. The light brings out the truth,” Bishop Duffy told a keenly following congregation. “As we prepare to elect a new leader ask yourselves, is the person I am choosing light or is he darkness? That is what we have to discern. Do we want to progress and walk in the light or we will be content with darkness and stay behind?”

Bishop Duffy said it was possible for Zambians to have a better life.

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