
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Barotse activists apply for bail

Barotse activists apply for bail
By Mwala Kalaluka
Tue 24 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

LAWYERS representing suspected Barotse activists detained in Mumbwa for alleged participation in the January 14, Mongu riots have filed a bail application for all the accused persons before the Lusaka High Court.

And two of the suspected Mongu rioters that were among the seven that were convicted and sentenced to four years imprisonment by Lusaka chief resident magistrate Joshua Banda were recently discharged on medical grounds.

Gilbert Phiri, who is one of the defence lawyers for the 46 suspected Barotse activists that are appearing in a Mumbwa Court over the Barotseland Agreement-related Mongu riots, confirmed in an interview that they also filed another application to have the court cases moved to Mongu.

Phiri, who together with Muleya Kashewe, are defending the Barotse accused, said the Lusaka High Court has set May 26, as the day of hearing on the bail application.
"We have applied and the date has been given and its coming...up before judge Annie Sitali," Phiri said.

Phiri said although they had also filed a certificate of urgency for the Barotse cases to be moved from Mongu to Mumbwa in view of the problems of organising witnesses, the matter was going to be heard before another judge.

"We are hoping that we shall get an earlier date but we will hear on Monday. The one I am very sure of is the bail application," said Phiri. "The bail application is for all the accused persons."

And Rodrick Lufwendo, who was convicted over the Mongu riots with six others by magistrate Banda in April this year, said in an interview from Mongu yesterday that he had been discharged together with another Mongu youth, Mwenda Siyanga on May 7.

"Yes, we were convicted to four years imprisonment with hard labour," Lufwendo said. "I was released on May 7 with Mwenda Siyanga. They gave us a letter written discharged. The officer-in-charge came with the papers and said we were being released on medical grounds but he kept those forms. However, no doctor came to examine us."

Lufwendo complained of internal injuries resulting from the beatings he received from the police officers at the time he was detained over the Mongu riots.

He said he still feels some pains in the joints because police officers from Kamfinsa Mobile Police unit hit them with batons in the legs while being picked up.

"When we go to the hospital to seek medical attention they tell us to go to the police and obtain a medical form so that what led to our problems is ascertained," said Lufwendo. "But the police don't want to help us."

Lufwendo was discharged from Mumbwa Prison, a day after eight other suspected Barotse activists, who included Eugene Kapatisho, Muyanganga Muyangana, Mutakela Mutakela, Pumulo Maimbolwa, Mulasikwanda Chazele, Masheto Sihanda, Upite Kazhiko and Walubita Kwibisa were discharged through a nolle prosequi.

Hearing in other matters will continue in Mumbwa.

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