
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

TAZARA workers query Aka’s vision, style

TAZARA workers query Aka’s vision, style
By Isaac Zulu in Kapiri Mposhi
Tue 24 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

UNIONISED workers at TAZARA have given management a one-month ultimatum in which to address their concerns, failure to which they will go on strike. TAZARA workers have also questioned their managing director Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika’s vision for the railway company. They have further questioned management over the criteria used to arrive at a US$7 salary increment.

In a speech delivered on behalf of his fellow workers before being addressed by Mbikusita-Lewanika in Kapiri Mposhi, Workers’ Union of TAZARA WUTAZ branch chairman Disson Sinkala questioned the former to say what he would be remembered for by the workers.

“Is it true that some colossal sums of TAZARA money was diverted to the recent MMD convention in Kabwe; thus late payment of salaries and all these disturbances? Where do you take our pension contributions NAPSA and ZSIC despite the fact that they are deducted each and every month from our salaries?

Does this mean that you are stealing from us? What method did you use to compute three per cent of the total wage bill to come to US $7?” he asked.

Sinkala said the workers wanted the correct figure and arrears this month-end without fail.

“Mr. Henry Chipewo paid us on time and gave us meaningful salary increment of which we appreciate him even today; he began remitting and offsetting NAPSA debts and all outstanding arrears then. We had three different accounts: one for salaries, second for fuel and maintenance and third as a reserve account. What has happened to these accounts?” asked Sinkala.

“Does this mean you don’t have an approach to TAZARA management? What shall we remember you for? Is it late payment of salaries and fuel shortages? How has a common TAZARA worker who hasn’t benefited from the sale of houses policy going to benefit?

We demand that RGM’s regional general manager’s unnecessary trips and movements with his team come to an end with immediate effect…because we can’t see their fruits. How can you be out of the country for over two months and on subsistence allowance?”

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