Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luanshya is eager to end Rupiah’s regime - Kambwili

Luanshya is eager to end Rupiah’s regime - Kambwili
By Misheck Wangwe in Luanshya
Wed 11 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

LUANSHYA residents are eager for elections because they have resolved to end Rupiah Banda’s corrupt regime, says Chishimba Kambwili.

In an interview, Kambwili who is Roan member of parliament, said it was irrational for the MMD to claim popularity on the Copperbelt when the mood of change of government in many towns was at its peak.

He said many Zambians were angry with the MMD and had resolved to give the PF leader, Michael Sata, massive support ahead of the elections.

Kambwili said the malicious television programmes and hateful utterances on public media by pro-MMD supporters had in fact made Sata popular and exposed President Banda’s corrupt activities and abuse of state institutions.

“The continued attacks on the PF and the abuse of the public media and other state institutions have exposed Rupiah Banda’s tyrannical leadership. Zambians are able to read between the lines …,” Kambwili said.

Kambwili said MMD was using vulnerable and hungry “chaps” to denounce the PF and other critical individuals including the Church.

“The abuse of state media and tyrannical politics are harmful to democracy and people will vote against them on that basis,” he said.

He said Zambians would vote the MMD out of government because of its failure to embrace democracy and good governance.

Kambwili said the failure by the MMD to mitigate poverty and unemployment was the reason why all well-meaning Zambians must support calls for the change of government.

“When ZCCM was in charge of the mines in Luanshya, we had about 19,000 workers, today it only employs 2,500. Do you think the people and the country would survive with such low levels of employment?

You cannot have a government which is full of political rhetoric and claiming that they are creating employment when the reality on the ground reveals untold misery,” said Kambwili.

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