
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Mulafulafu counsels Rupiah on criticism

Mulafulafu counsels Rupiah on criticism
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 04 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda must exhibit statesmanship in the way he responds to criticism, says Sam Mulafulafu. And Fr Augustine Mwewa has questioned President Banda’s advisors following his harsh response to criticism.

In an interview yesterday, Mulafulafu, who is Caritas director, said President Banda as head of political and economic affairs of the country ought to understand that he would always be criticised by other citizens.

“Other people will need to show input which sometimes might not agree with his opinion, but when he is responding, he has to respond in a normal way,” Mulafulafu said.

He said President Banda must also learn to hold his emotions when responding to criticism.

“All leaders around the world get criticised but they demonstrate their greatness through the way they respond to this criticism. Use polite language, express your opinion in a normal way,” he said.

Mulafulafu said no matter the criticism, there was no need for President Banda to respond arrogantly.

And Fr Mwewa asked President Banda and other political leaders to be sober in the manner they responded to the people they were leading.
He said it was important that leaders responded to people’s suffering with level-headedness.

“He should listen more to people that criticise him than to the ones that praise him, that’s how you grow,” Fr Mwewa said.

“The President coming out harshly also questions the responsibility of his advisors; what do they want for him, do they want his downfall? We know there is pressure to win elections and so forth but let’s try to be sober headed.

His advisors are failing to do a good job and should be fired,” said Fr Mwewa.
He said leaders were trading uncultured language because there was no effective public media to inform the people.

“Today we are talking of media freedom, let that freedom start with Daily Mail, Times of Zambia and ZNBC. For instance they can’t call me to interview me, to express my opinion. Media freedom must be demonstrated by ZNBC and the two dailies because they are publishing insults everyday,” he said.

He said there was need for President Banda to be civil in his language.

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