
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

PF ‘takes control’ of Central Province

PF ‘takes control’ of Central Province
By Ndinawe Simpelwe in Chibombo
Tue 03 May 2011, 04:06 CAT

THE PF has taken control of Central Prov-ince, according to party officials in the province. And PF general secretary, Wynter Kabimba has said that the fact that the PF had taken over Central Province was testimony that the party was now a national party.

PF Central Province chairman Benson Chali revealed this to Kabimba, after meeting district officials in the province. Chali said the party was controlling 10 out of the 14 districts in the province, adding that before the end of this month all the districts would be under the PF.

“We are satisfied with the work that we have done so far and we are now in control of almost all the districts in the province. The party membership has grown and if elections were held tomorrow, we are confident the PF would emerge winners in Central Province,” Chali said.

He said the MMD was losing ground every day because the people in the province were tired of empty promises and were ready for change. “When Rupiah Banda says he is going to win the elections, we don't understand because people want change.

Where are they going to win elections? Let him dissolve Parliament and announce the date for elections so that he knows that people are yearning for change,” he said.

And Kabimba said that the fact that the PF had taken over Central Province was testimony that the party was now a national party. Kabimba said Zambians had now appreciated the ideals and cause of the PF hence the increase in membership.

“The vicious propaganda that the MMD has embarked on against the PF just shows you how strong (Michael) Sata is. He is the strongest candidate we have for this year's elections and the MMD will try to do anything to stop him,” Kabimba said.

He also advised the people of Keembe Constituency to vote out Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha because of his lies. He said it was shameful for a Reverend to be telling lies in order for him to remain in power.

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