Sunday, May 08, 2011

Prof Kyambalesa urges Zambians to back Sata

Prof Kyambalesa urges Zambians to back Sata
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Sun 08 May 2011, 04:01 CAT

ALL well-meaning Zambians must put their partisan and ethnic interests aside and support Michael Sata and the PF in this year’s general elections, says Professor Henry Kyambalesa.

In an interview, Prof Kyambalesa, a US-based Zambian academician at Denver University said the Patriotic Front was capable of transforming Zambia into a prosperous nation. Prof Kyambalesa said five years of MMD should be the last thing Zambians should wish for as they had suffered enough over the past 19 years it had been in power.

“We need to put personal, ethnic, religious and partisan interests aside and give the mandate to Michael Sata and the Patriotic Front to form government later this year and hope that they will work to break the socioeconomic decay and backwardness which has haunted our beloved country over the last 19 or so years of the MMD administration,” Prof Kyambalesa said.

He said there were many serious blunders the government of President Rupiah Banda had made that necessitated change of government.

Prof Kyambalesa said it was sad that President Banda was committing the country to more worthless debts through loans appropriated on worthless projects.

“I wish to ask all those who teach our children, those who take care of the sick, those who extract and process copper and other minerals, those who provide transport services, those who create goods and services in the private sector, those who sell products in open markets and retail outlets, those who work in the civil service, those who serve orphaned and vulnerable children, and those who are currently unemployed to join and participate actively in this endeavour of changing the government,” Prof Kyambalesa said.

He said the country needed a leader who had the interest of the country at heart and should not wait for heavy criticism for him to act positively on matters of national interest.

Prof Kyambalesa said the problem with President Banda’s government was that many of its decisions were contrary to the needs of the people.

He said there was need for Chinese government officials to guard against encouraging President Banda to borrow lavishly from their country’s state companies to finance projects which were conceived without consultation with Parliament or the Zambia Public Procurement Authority.

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