Monday, June 20, 2011

Corruption levels worry chief Nyalugwe

Corruption levels worry chief Nyalugwe
By Christopher Miti
Mon 20 June 2011, 04:00 CAT

CORRUPTION is more pronounced now than during Dr Kaunda’s rule, says chief Nyalugwe of the Nsenga of Nyimba district. Speaking when Colonel Panji Kaunda paid a courtesy call on him on Friday, chief Nyalugwe said corruption was one of the greatest problems facing the country today.

“During KK’s time, there was no such issue, even the name was not even pronounced but after Dr Kaunda, corruption became an issue and up to now it is a big issue,” chief Nyalugwe.

He encouraged Col Panji to go to the grassroots and sensitise people on corruption.

He complained that Kasasamula school had no teachers and that children were not even learning. Chief Nyalugwe said the people in the valley do not understand how development was shared.

He said Nyimba needed a strong member of parliament and not those who would just be drinking water in Parliament.

He also complained over lack of communication in the area.
And the people in Nyalugwe area appealed to government to provide a boat that could help them cross Luangwa River.

One of the residents Ken Njobvu said in the olden days the government had employed a ferries man who was helping people to cross the river.

Njobvu said the situation had changed and that some children were not going to school because they had no means of crossing the river.

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