Tuesday, June 21, 2011

(HERALD) Charge Nato leadership: Malema

Charge Nato leadership: Malema
Tuesday, 21 June 2011 01:00

DON'T waste time, but lay quick criminal charges against the Nato leadership for launching unprovoked war against Libya as well as an attempt on another head of a sovereignty state.

Militant South Africa's ruling party youth wing of the African National Congress , which put president Jacob Zuma into office has demanded that his government immediately lodge a criminal case against the US, French and British leaders of war-criminal charges for launching an unprovoked war on Libya thereby killing innocent civilians.

Speaking at the end of the four-day ANC Youth League elective congress on Sunday, the ANC Youth League, spearheaded by its firebrand leader Julius Malema wants the International Criminal court to arrest US' Barak Obama, Britain's Cameron and French's Sarkozy for attempting to assassinate a foreign head of state, Muammar Gaddafi.

"The National Congress expresses displeasure with the re-emergence of a political tendency in the ANC of politically and ideologically associating with imperialists on foreign policy decisions, particularly as it relates to Libya and Ivory Coast.


* NATO hits civilians in Libya
* SA raps deliberate Nato attacks

"We call on the South African government to delegitimise the NATO military campaign by publicly declaring it criminal neo-colonial venture against defenceless people and undermining of the sovereignty of a nation-state." We further ask the South African government to lodge a criminal case with the International Criminal Court against Cameron, Obama and Sarkozy for launching an unprovoked war, destroying civilian infrastructure, killing innocent civilians and attempting to assassinate a foreign head of state.

"We call for the immediate end to the NATO bombardment," reads the ANC Youth League declaration at the end of the summit.South Africa's deputy President Kgalema Montlante and several members of the diplomatic cops, Government ministers and African revolutionary party parties including Zanu-PF were present.

Earlier on firebrand ANC Youth president Julius Malema lambasted the Zuma administration of failing to take the land stolen by whites and redistributes it to the majority poor blacks without paying any compensation.

Malema also reiterated the ANC Youth League's call to nationalise all mines in the country to better lives of the majority poor communities.
"The sovereignty and independence of African countries should never be sacrificed in pursuit of pleasing the narrow interests of investors and imperialists.

"This notion should altogether be defeated in the African National Congress as it has potential of donating our country to the whims and needs of imperialists. "Congress vehemently disagrees with the justification and explanation given by the President of South Africa (Jacob Zuma) on the decision of South Africa to support a UN resolution that called for the imperialist invasion of Libya by neo-colonial forces," further reads the ANCYL declaration.

The ANC Youth League also said they would continue to relate internationally with progressive formations, particularly former liberation movements such as Zanu-PF in Zimbabwe, Swapo in Namibia, Frelimo in Mozambique, Chama Chama Pindudzi in Tanzania, MPLA in Angola and POLASARIO in Western Sahara. "The ANC and South Africa's leadership role in the African continent should be re-asserted.

This leadership role should be defined by a clear agenda to re-affirm the political and economic independence of the African countries and the continent.
"In this regard, the ANC Youth League will convene all progressive youth formations from all countries on the African continent to develop political and ideological programmes to reclaim Africa's wealth in particular mineral and land from colonial masters." - CAJ Ne- ws.

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