
Monday, June 27, 2011

Michael Sata bids farewell to Frederick Chiluba

Michael Sata bids farewell to Frederick Chiluba
By George Chellah
Mon 27 June 2011, 04:00 CAT

MICHAEL Sata yesterday joined mourners in viewing the body of second Republican president Frederick Chiluba at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre. Sata, who was in the company of PF chairperson for finance and former Ndola town clerk Emmanuel Chenda, arrived at Mulungushi International Conference Centre around 09:00 hours.

Upon arrival, Sata, who wasn’t with his bodyguards, proceeded to join a queue of visibly shocked mourners, who included some women clad in the ruling MMD regalia. Sata briefly chatted and greeted the mourners that were waiting for their turn to view the body of the late second Republican president.

Some mourners including soldiers supervising the procession remained in doubt and where heard whispering to each other: “Ni ba Sata aba bushe is this Mr Sata?” curiously asked one of the women clad in an MMD chitenge material.

“Ee e! Niba mene Yes, he is the one,” her four colleagues responded in unison. “Nadabwa I am shocked!” she replied.

And some soldiers and other security personnel where also heard arguing amongst themselves in an effort to establish whether it was truly the PF leader as he joined the queue with other members of the public to pay his last respects.

After it became apparent that it was Sata, the security personnel, respectfully ushered the PF leader in signing the book of condolences and later on the procession to pay his last respects.

Immediately after some mourners walked over to greet Sata who was now heading to Chenda’s vehicle.

In a short interview immediately after paying his last respects to the late Chiluba, Sata described the former president’s death as very sad.

“Well it’s very sad... any loss of life is sad, it’s very terrible to lose a life. Those my critics that are talking don’t know what they are talking about because I knew Frederick way before politics,” Sata said.

“I knew him during the trade unions days. Of course, we had political differences but politics are just secondary what is important in life are ties or relationships we share with colleagues, just like I did with Frederick.”

Sata, who got a lift from Chenda left Mulungushi International Conference Centre at exactly 09:15 hours.

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