Sunday, June 19, 2011

MMD’s abuse of media source of conflict, says Habasonda

MMD’s abuse of media source of conflict, says Habasonda
By Roy Habaalu
Sun 19 June 2011, 03:10 CAT

THE continued abuse of the public media by the MMD is a source of electoral conflict, says SACCORD. Lee Habasonda, who is executive director for Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) said the MMD leadership should ensure that state-owned and government-controlled media don’t divide society.

He said going by the way the public media was covering MMD propaganda it had discriminated people based on political affiliation. “The public media is promoting sectionalism and we need action from those in government. The way the public media is covering issues is a potential source of electoral conflict in this years’ election.

Government must take action an all electoral contestations,” said Habasonda in an interview. He said the foundation of consolidating democracy lied in freeing the media allowing it to carry divergent views. Habasonda said the MMD leadership must ensure that they don’t just talk about free, fair and transparent elections but must be seen to be implementing.

He said government must allow institutions charged with the responsibility of running elections to work in an environment free of interference.

“They may blackout SACCORD and the civil society but not opposition parties because they need to be judged. We are concerned that while the President promised US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a free, fair and transparent election, the public media continues to be abused. Politicians in the ruling party continue abusing public resources.

Other views are not given out to the public,” Habasonda said. He said it was abuse of authority to keep the election date only known to the President. Habasonda urged the MMD to ensure they provided a platform and an environment free of intimidation.

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