Tuesday, July 19, 2011

(HERALD) Gwisai case: Magistrate recuses self

Gwisai case: Magistrate recuses self
Tuesday, 19 July 2011 02:00
Court Reporter

POLITICAL activist and academic, Munyaradzi Gwisai and five others accused of plotting to violently overthrow the Gover-nment had their charges altered to a le-sser charge as the magistrate who was supposed to hear the matter recused himself.

Gwisai, a former Highfield legislator, Antoneta Choto (36), Tatenda Mombeyarara (29), Edson Chakuma (38), Hopewell Gumbo (32) and Welcome Zimuto (25) are now being charged with conspiracy to commit public violence.

They are alternatively charged with inciting public violence and participating in a gathering with the intention to promote public violence, breach of peace or bigotry.
They appeared before regional magistrate, Mr William Bhila, who remanded them to August 22 after the presiding magistrate Mr Morgen Nemadire communicated with State counsel Mr Edmore Nyazamba that he was recusing himself because he was known to one of the accused persons.

In the new charges the State alleges that on February 19 this year at Zimbabwe Labour Centre, at Number 43 Julius Nyerere Way in Harare Gwisai, a co-ordinator of the International Socialist Organisation and five others agreed to act in concert to forcibly and to a serious extent disturb peace, security or order of the public in Zimbabwe intending such a disturbance or invasion may occur.
It is alleged they agreed to mobilise the people of Zimbabwe to revolt against Government and demand the resignation of the President of Zimbabwe, the Egyptian way.

The Egyptian president was forced to resign after a revolt in which Government buildings were burnt, vehicles stoned and several people were injured or killed by people taking part in the revolt.

It is alleged that the six also acted together with the intention to endanger, promote or expose to hatred, contempt or ridicule the President and Government of Zimbabwe.

They allegedly delivered speeches encouraging participants to mobilise people to revolt against the President.

They allegedly showed the people some videos and circulated some documents.

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