Monday, July 25, 2011

Zambian education on the decline - CBU Chancellor

Zambian education on the decline - CBU Chancellor
By Allan Mulenga in Kitwe
Sun 24 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

PROFESSOR Muyunda Mwanalushi says the quality of education is significantly compromised for it to effectively produce citizens capable of optimally advancing Zambia’s sustainable development agenda.

Officiating at the 20th Copperbelt University graduation ceremony on Friday, Prof. Mwanalushi, who is Copperbelt University Chancellor, said local universities had failed to pursue academic research agenda to satisfy scientific curiosity.

“The ivory tower image of the universities will only be shed when their research is directed sufficiently to the problems facing their society, such as the search for solutions to problems in health, education, water, climate change, energy and food security,” he said.

Prof. Mwanalushi observed that for decades, the nation had witnessed a steady decline in the quality of education at all levels.

“The development of our education system requires regular in-depth review to determine its quality and relevance to society at large. While I concede that the objectives of education in our nation are diverse, on the measure of academic competence, the standard of learning is certainly not meritorious. When you look at it holistically across all levels of the education system,’’ he said.

Prof. Mwanalushi urged local universities to engage with the local school communities to address issues affecting quality of education.

“In a democracy, one of the important issues is the equitable access to education for all. This requires considerable investment in the provision of teaching and learning materials, particularly textbooks; introduction innovative pedagogy; in-service professional development of teachers in content and teaching and learning methods; re-conceptualising the curriculum to incorporate contemporary content,” said Prof. Mwanalushi.

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