
Monday, August 29, 2011

(HERALD) Agritex revives land use planning dept

Agritex revives land use planning dept
Friday, 26 August 2011 02:00
Herald Reporter

THE Agricultural and Extension Services Department has revived its land use planning branch to help new farmers. The branch, which used to operate under the Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement, is now housed under the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.

Speaking at the ongoing Harare Agricultural Show, an Agritex official, who preferred anonymity said proper land use planning would also boost food security.

"Agritex officers are the ones who work with farmers in their day-to-day activities, hence the need for the branch to be under (Ministry of) Agriculture.

"We have to assist the new farmers because in different places they were allocated land there are resources and infrastructure which is there and this has to be planned in a manner that increases productivity.

"The move simply guides the farmer to sustainably manage the land and its associated resources. It presents a set of options for viable production for example grazing areas and irrigation to be separated.

"This should be amended by almost every farmer taking into account the changes in environmental, social and economic conditions," said the official.

He said a farm plan documents the current status of the farm and gives the desired conditions and recommends the production practices to achieve that condition.

"We also take into account the location of the farm, its accessibility, topography and resources available.

"Most new farmers need guidance and this will do in building a better Zimbabwe," he said.

Asked about the response from farmers, the official said it was "overwhelming".

"Even popular figures are coming for help in land use planning and I think if the trend continues, we are going to regain the bread basket status," he said.

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