
Monday, August 29, 2011

(HERALD) Water resources not being used fully - official

Water resources not being used fully - official
Friday, 26 August 2011 02:00
Agriculture Reporter

LACK of adequate irrigation equipment in farming areas has led to low use of water resources. Most dams are almost full, an indication that there is low irrigation activity in farming areas.

Speaking at the Harare Agricultural Show on Tuesday, Zinwa public relations manager Mrs Majorie Munyonga said the use of irrigation water only increased during winter when many farmers produce wheat and barley.

"There has to be utilisation of the country's major dams to mitigate against the effects of drought.

"There is no way the country can have meaningful agriculture without irrigation. The country has many dams meant for irrigation which if fully utilised could significantly boost agricultural production," she said.

A number of farmers are, however, willing to use irrigation although the shortage of resources has been the main challenge. Marondera farmer, Mr Enoch Mutimusakwa, said he was failing to install irrigation equipment at his farm because he does not have money.
"Farming becomes a business if one has irrigation facilities. Few farmers who have irrigation facilities are making huge profits from farming as they are able to produce throughout the year," he said.

Mrs Munyonga said agriculture was key to economic turnaround but this would only be achieved if farmers maximise production.
"Irrigation is the only way farmers can continuously produce. There is no way farmers can rely on rain fed farming especially now when the rainfall is unpredictable due to climate change," she said.

The latest dam levels update from Zinwa show that by August 19, there was low use of water.
The Gwayi catchment, which has most of its dams meant for irrigation has only one dam, Kalope that is below 74 percent full.

Exchange Dam in the Gwayi catchment is 100,5 percent full, while Khami Dam is 95,9 percent full.
Dams under Manyame catchment have an average water capacity of 89.3 percent, Mazowe 85 percent, Mzingwane 75 percent, Runde 56,3 and Sanyati and save 86 and 89 percent respectively.

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