
Friday, September 09, 2011

Apologise to Nkomeshya, Panji advises Rupiah

Apologise to Nkomeshya, Panji advises Rupiah
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Fri 09 Sep. 2011, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda should apologise to senior chieftainess Nkomeshya for treating her like a cadre, says Colonel Panji Kaunda. And Col Panji said what he said that the MMD would kill to remain in power was becoming a reality.

In an interview on Monday, Col Panji, who is People's Pact Forum chairperson, said it was important for leaders to respect chiefs. He was commenting on President Banda's threats to dethrone chieftainess Nkomeshya should he win elections this monthend.

"Chieftainess Nkomeshya is a very senior chief in Zambia. She played a very leading role in the struggle for independence. I know she was very close to UNIP and president Kaunda and Dr Kaunda held her in very high esteem," Col Panji said.

"So to treat her like a cadre is very unfortunate on the part of the President. He President Banda is giving us and our children a very bad example that unless you support him, you are an enemy.

Col Panji said it was unfortunate for President Banda to attack chieftainess Nkomeshya for complaining about underdevelopment in her chiefdom.

"There are no roads in the rural areas; people have got no water, the maize they (government) bought last year is rotting. Farmers have not been paid, so the chieftainess has been addressing these issues on behalf of her subjects. If I was Rupiah Banda, I would have quietly gone to her (chieftainess Nkomeshya) and say ‘yes your majesty, what do you want us to do?' because she is complaining and he (President Banda) is in government," Col Panji said.

"I hope we will learn from that as citizens that we should respect our chiefs. They are the ones that guide us. They are put on the throne not by politicians but by traditions," Col Panji said.

"If I were President Banda, I would apologise to the chieftainess. He has made a very bad mistake. I don't see any Soli-speaking citizen of Zambia voting for him. He has insulted their chief. It's like somebody coming to your house and insults you, you don't expect your children to start hugging that person, no."

Col Panji said President Banda had committed a serious political mistake by attacking chieftainess Nkomeshya.

"He should be rejected by Zambians because he is not a good leader. If he is given five years, all chiefs, all of us that are not supporting him will be banished," Col Panji said.

"He has said he is going to remove her. I don't know which law he is going to use because she hasn' t committed any offence and he is not even in the ruling subject of the Soli. So what is he going to do? Go there with guns and say 'you out!' And what is he going to put in her place because he is saying he is going to retire her. This is a sad affair. It shows that the President is panicking. He knows he is going, so he wants to appeal to the grassroots but it's late for him to do that."

And Col Panji said it was unfortunate that MMD cadres could assault people in the presence of the police.

"A few months ago, I warned this country. I said ‘if the government does not put things in place, this will be the bloodiest election ever'," Col Panji said.

"What we are seeing now is a tip of an iceberg because you cannot assault somebody as 40 policemen, as reported, are watching. So if people see that we are not protected by police, the next thing they will do is to defend themselves as Wynter said. We have a right to defend ourselves. When I am being attacked, I cannot stand there and be hacked or run away," Col Panji said.

He urged Zambians to ensure that they change the government.

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