
Friday, September 09, 2011

Attackers hack, shoot Masaiti PF candidate's father

Attackers hack, shoot Masaiti PF candidate's father
By Darious Kapembwa in Masaiti
Fri 09 Sep. 2011, 14:01 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front Masaiti parliamentary candidate Stardy Mwale's father is battling for his life in Ibenga Mission Hospital after unknown people that include a known prison escapee hacked him and shot him in the leg at his farm. Police sources in the area confirmed the incident that happened on Sunday around 19:00 hours at his farm along the Lamba-Lima road.

"What is happening here is very bad. The father to the PF aspiring candidate Mr Mwale was brutally hacked, his right arm almost cut off and they used the rifle that he owns to shoot him in his right leg," the source explained.

"By the time he was brought to the police, he had a bullet in the leg and we quickly rushed him to the hospital, where he is receiving treatment right now."

Other sources said the attacks were politically motivated as Mwale's popularity had shocked the MMD who had easily claimed the seat in the past but now looked a distant runner-up.

"It is like they never expected Stardy to give them this headache and they are doing this to derail his soaring support," said the source.

The source said Mwale's attackers were demanding money from him which he got from the Food Reserve Agency for the maize he supplied.

"When he resisted, they used some pangas to hack him, they grabbed his rifle and shot him in the leg and got away with undisclosed amounts of money, an inventor and several other valuables. They again returned the following day and looted all his clothes and we have identified one prison escapee from Luanshya prison who even left his clothes in the house," the source added.

But police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana said she had not yet received a report by press time.

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