
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cage MMD hooligans, Akafumba urges cops

Cage MMD hooligans, Akafumba urges cops
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Sun 11 Sep. 2011, 13:59 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front Livingstone Central parliamentary candidate Joseph Akafumba says this year's elections are likely to be bloody unless police tame MMD's hooliganism. In an interview, Akafumba said it was clear that MMD was behind all the political violence being experienced.

"Looking at the pace we are going, we are likely to have unprecedented violence. This could be the bloodiest elections ever unless the police control the MMD hooliganism," Akafumba said.

He said there was need for the police to take control of the situation instead of letting the service being controlled by a cadre.

"The pace we are going at demands a high level of professionalism from the police or they risk exposing Zambians to a bloodiest election since 1964. There is need to cage the MMD's vagabonds. We have vagabonds in power," he said.

Akafumba, a lawyer by profession, on Thursday went to Linda police station to complain of the slow pace at which the police was handling PF complaints after a Linda compound youth was hacked on the head by an MMD ward candidate.

And Akafumba has called on Southern Province permanent secretary Gladys Kristafor to resign as she has politicised the civil service in the province.

"Kristafor has not only undermined the integrity of the civil service but has also insulted the integrity of the political system that appointed her to be non partisan. She has not only turned her residence into a political centre but we now have all reasons to believe that she is using the office of the PS to move taxpayers' money to the MMD," Akafumba said.

He said the PF had information that Kristafor was deliberately frustrating civil servants opposed to the MMD.

"Her conduct is very shameful to the civil service. I appeal to her, even at this late hour, to resign," said Akafumba.

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