
Sunday, September 11, 2011

HRC indicts MMD cadres on Chongwe violence

HRC indicts MMD cadres on Chongwe violence
By Maluba Jere
Sun 11 Sep. 2011, 13:59 CAT

MMD cadres from Lusaka perpetrated the political violence in Chongwe last weekend, the Human Rights Commission has established.

In a letter to Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde dated September 8, 2011, Human Rights Commission director Enock Mulembe stated that their findings were that the MMD cadres were allegedly ferried in different buses.

Mulembe reiterated that the Zambia Police had a solemn duty to protect people against acts of violence regardless of who the culprits were.

He stated that unless this was done in the fairest and most unprofessional manner, public confidence in the police would continue to be eroded and that it would not augur well for the maintenance of law and order, which he said is the main ingredient for the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms by all.

Mulembi stated that the Commission is gravely concerned at the rate of political violence during the campaign period.

He stated that it was particularly concerned at the seemingly dangerous trend of using weapons such as machetes, knives and other similar items in the fighting.

Mulembi advised that unless something drastic is done to address the violence, the country risked being plunged into a situation that may be difficult to recover from.

"Inspector General, sir, you have the solemn duty to act more vigorously to curb the violence. We, in particular bring to your attention the recent occurrences in Chongwe. Instead of relying on press reports, the Commission undertook its own investigations to establish the credibility of what was being reported," Mulembe stated.

"Our findings were that MMD cadres from Lusaka perpetuated the violence. The cadres were allegedly ferried in different buses. One minibus registration number ABK 405 was identified as being used. We wish to advise that your good office looks into this matter seriously. Individuals have been named and we believe it is in the best interest of the public that they be questioned about their involvement."

He urged the Zambia Police to demonstrate clearly that all acts of violence, no matter who instigates them, are properly and exhaustively investigated.

Mulembe stated that this was the only way the police service would remove the perception that dealing with political violence was being selectively undertaken.

Mulembe's letter to Kabonde was also copied to the Secretary to the Cabinet, the Human Rights Commission chairperson and home affairs permanent secretary.

Last weekend, MMD Lusaka Province chairman William Banda and his cadres physically attacked villagers in Chongwe's Waterfalls' area for supporting the PF. Several people were beaten up and severely injured. The cadres also smashed windows of two Landcruisers belonging to Chongwe PF parliamentary candidate Sylvia Masebo in full view of police. And Banda, in an interview with Radio Phoenix on Tuesday, said he and President Rupiah Banda were at the centre of the political violence being experienced.

On Friday police summoned Banda and recorded a warn and caution statement from him.

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