Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dora urges men to admire her bums

Dora urges men to admire her bums
By Joseph Mwenda in Petauke
Sun 11 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

Dora Siliya's continued urge for men to admire her bums on Friday inspired Petauke's Chisonso villagers who asked to touch her breasts as well. And Siliya has continued her onslaught on PF leader Michael Sata, this time describing him as a disrespectful old man who did not come from human beings.

Addressing villagers who waited for her for over five hours at Chisonso Middle Basic School on Friday afternoon, Siliya told the electorate that they should not vote for Sata because he would enact homosexuality laws.

When Siliya asked the villagers if they admired her bums, the men excitedly asked her to allow them touch her breasts as well.

"A Sata akuti akawina ma elections akaike malamule kuti mweo mwanalume mukolalana mwekamweka, nase tanakazi tikolalana sekaseka.

"Lomba teti mweo mwanalume mukumbwila lini neo mukumbwilana ndevu?? Mweo azimai sekaseka pangachoke vumo? Sindiye kusila kwa banthu kuno kwa Chisonso, Analume mungakatane mweka mweka mafiga yokosa osati yamwanakazi? (You men here, are you not admiring me. Are you admiring each other's beards? You women can you get pregnant from a fellow woman? Isn't that the end of the world? You men can you enjoy touching each other's hard bums instead of a woman's?)"

At this stage the men responded in unison saying, "Tukumbwila ngako, makamaka matako" (We admire a lot especially your buttocks) they said as one of them shouted "ufunika fasa engine, niwele nizekateko maziba? (You need real sex; can I come and touch your breasts?)

Siliya then looked away and changed the topic as laughter from the crowd punctuated her rally.
Later during the same rally men from a drama group that was called upon to entertain Siliya, put up an explicit dance to show her that they were real men.

Meanwhile, Siliya charged that Sata had no respect for women because he did not come from human beings and as such he was not taught to respect people.

"A Sata teti munthu mwanalume ula msinkhu nga na sikulu aba ali apa kutukana mwanakazi nikuzikonshya kuti lomba aba asikulu kwechoka nikuumunthu? Nikuumunthulini yai sitetyo? (Sata an old man like this grandfather seated here insulting a woman, you have to ask yourselves to say this old man does he come from humans? He doesn't come from human beings, isn't it?",) she asked.
Siliya said Sata was not cultured because where he was raised there was no respect.

(Kwekulila a Sata kwenzeve ulemu chifukwa kuti kwenze ulemu sembo ebaphunzisa. Sembe oyopa kuti ningakambelini teti, nikakamba teti banthu anione kuti niliye nzelu) Where Sata was brought up there was no respect. If there was respect he was going to be cultured. He was going to be afraid to say what he says and know that when I say this people will see me to be dull,") Siliya said.

She said when a man insults a woman like her, he insults his own mother.

"Chifukwa mwanalume kutukana mwanakazi, mwanalume ali nanyina, nambuyabake, akazi bake, alongosi bake ndiye kuti ndiye bakutukana. (A man who has a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a sister when he insults it means those are the people he is insulting) Siliya said.

And Siliya asked the electorate to remember that she was giving them campaign materials in exchange for votes.

She said she was aware that some villagers only attended her rally in order to see her after a long time while others were only interested in her ‘gifts'.

"A Nsenga akuti kupa ukupa okupako, neo nawelako kanyinji kuno? Mwaona mwanawelela pano. Lomba a Leonard akawela pano na trousers tangale tangale okuushyani kuti Kombwe nivizo, mukatole vithu kwa Dora Siliya koma mukavotele neo. Lomba kano nanalume chendi omuushyani tyani kuti mukatole vinthu kumunakazi, unalume wao ulipani? Teti meo mwanalume muyani wasebenza nchito vumo yaoneka mphela mweo nchito nikuyogula mabanzi ku market kuzo kushya vumo yamuyanu? (Nsengas say giving, you give he who gives you. You have seen how many times I have come here. Now when Leonard (Banda her rival) comes to you with his legs in his trousers open and say I am the real man, go and get things from Dora Siliya and vote for me. If he is a real man, why does he want you to get things from me a woman? Where is his manhood? You men here, can you wait for your friend to impregnate a woman and then you only come in to buy her food?)," Siliya said.

Siliya later went ahead and distributed campaign materials to villagers who produced voters' cards as a pre-condition.

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