Sunday, September 18, 2011

Govt can't create jobs for everyone - MMD candidate

Govt can't create jobs for everyone - MMD candidate
By Abigail Chaponda in Mufulira
Sat 17 Sep. 2011, 13:54 CAT

IT is not possible for the MMD government to create jobs for everyone in the country, says MMD Kantashi parliamentary candidate Mwila Mutimushi.

During the newsmakers forum organised by the Press Freedom Committee of The Post in conjunction with Caritas, to discuss the 2011 general elections in Mufulira on Thursday, Mutimushi said the MMD government had done a lot in the country and that people should give them another chance to finish the developmental projects that were started by President Rupiah Banda.

"The MMD government cannot create jobs for everyone. There is no country that has no unemployment; even America the superpower has unemployment. The problem we have is we like white collar jobs, when in fact there are jobs that people can do out there," he said.

He said the former Kantashi Constituency parliamentarian underperformed.
"Seven hundred million kwacha has gone back. It has not been utilised. What was the MP doing then? Where was he to have allowed that money to go back when it was meant to develop the constituency?" he asked.

And independent candidate David Nkata said there was a lot of money in Mufulira but investors were the ones getting it.

"Mines are making a lot of money but we are not seeing it because it goes somewhere else. Mopani Mine doesn't even offer the social responsibilities that they are supposed to because they know that we have a weak system in place," he said.

UNIP candidate Alasters Muleya said UNIP in power would give free fertiliser and seed to small-scale farmers for the next five years.

He said there would be free education from primary school to university level and free healthcare for all Zambians.

"My party will empower youths and women. There will also be a living allowance of K200,000 for the aged and the disabled. Zambians will own wealth and national resources, and we will adopt chiefdoms as centres for development, investment in tourism, manufacturing and expansion of mining ventures by locals in partnership with others," he said.

Asked how his party was going to undertake all the developmental projects and where it would get the money because UNIP left government a long time ago, Muleya said it would not be difficult as the party had done it before.

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