
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm very well - KK

I'm very well - KK
By Brighton Phiri
Tue 20 Sep. 2011, 10:10 CAT

DR KENNETH Kaunda yesterday declared that he is feeling very well and ready to work, contrary to an article published by state-owned and government-controlled Zambia Daily Mail alleging that he is suffering from dementia. In an interview at his office, Dr Kaunda laughed when he was told that there were media reports suggesting that he was suffering from dementia.

"Tell them that I am very well…very well indeed. I am ready for work," Dr Kaunda said. In its Saturday edition, the Zambia Daily Mail published an article alleging that Dr Kaunda had been diagnosed with dementia.

And Dr Kaunda's son, Flight Captain Kambarage Kaunda, said the Kaunda family was extremely saddened and disappointed with the type of journalism exhibited by the Zambia Daily Mail.

He urged journalists to exercise their good judgement before writing articles that could injure other people.

"The man is very well. He is back in his office and meeting various delegations," Capt Kambarage said. "As a family, we are disappointed because we would have expected journalism to be held in high esteem. This shows that there are some individuals within the profession who are not conversant with this fact."

Capt Kambarage said there was serious need for self-policing among journalists.
"We are not saying that nothing should be written about the man but we must all remember that he is father of the nation and this is the man we shall look up to for guidance. Now to try and damage the very name we want to use in future is not good," he said.

Capt Kambarage asked journalists to set a good example for future reporters.
He reminded Zambia that Dr Kaunda was not only an asset for his family but the nation too.

Earlier, Dr Kaunda performed his usual jogging before welcoming his guest, former Nigerian president General Yakubu Gowon who paid a courtesy call on him.

General Gowon, who ruled Nigeria between 1966 and 1975, is leading a Commonwealth delegation to monitor Zambia's presidential and general elections.
Dr Kaunda said his meeting with Gen Gowon went very well and discussed among other issues, the phases of friendship between Zambia and Nigeria.

"He is the man who did a lot for Nigeria and Africa. He took over at the time when Nigeria needed a unifier and he did it very well," Dr Kaunda said.

"I am not surprised that that country's President has chosen him to lead a Nigerian team, which is part of the Commonwealth to come and monitor our elections. Our joint prayer is that Zambia's elections and Nigeria's development programmes will continue to do well."

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