
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(MSN) Whites 'love Mandela more than Jesus'

COMMENT - For Whites, you can fill in The Rich, and for Black, fill in The Poor. What racism is, because it is based on a 19th century misconception of human evolution, is a chimera. In practice, racism is mainly the racialisation of class and income. And this is not some plea to 'please stop talking about racism', because it is with us every day. However, Jesus stood up for the poor. It is the ANC's cooption into neoliberal thinking that has put them on the good side of the mine owners, and middle class South African whites. And it is this cooption by the forces of monopoly capitalism that is at the core between the friction between Julius Malema and the ANC Youth League, and President Zuma and the ANC.

Whites 'love Mandela more than Jesus'
MHLABA MEMELA | 20 September, 2011 00:425 Comments
Nelson Mandela

"Jesus was far too radical and Mandela didn't want to go that far because he understood our people in this country," said Boesak yesterday.

"But if he would say tomorrow what Jesus said they wouldn't like him [Mandela] any more."

He then joked that "pretty soon they [whites] will have Julius Malema left," he said.

Boesak was delivering the University of KwaZulu-Natal Steve Biko Memorial lecture on black consciousness and the struggle for meaningful humanity when he began to explain that whites were creating a false sense of victimhood when social injustice was mentioned.

He said it was interesting to note that whites loved Archbishop Desmond Tutu when he talked about forgiveness, but when he mentioned correcting social injustice of the past by introducing a white tax, he was no longer liked.

Boesak said on the other side of what he called "false innocence of whiteness" is the false innocence of black elite groups.

"They [elite blacks] have made alliances with the old wealthy elite, alliances against the masses and are part of the small 20% of the country's top elite who now gobble 75% of our GDP while 53% of our masses live in dire poverty and get between 6% and 8% of what is left. That is not black consciousness.

"What we say to white people is you have to leave your false innocence behind."

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