
Monday, September 05, 2011

L/stone widow flees home as MMD cadres attack again

L/stone widow flees home as MMD cadres attack again
By Edwin Mbulo
Mon 05 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

A 64-year-old widow who was on August 22, 2011 attacked by MMD cadres has fled her house after suspected cadres surrounded her house in Livingstone's Zambezi Sawmills on Thursday night and started throwing stones.

In an interview Rebecca Chifumbano, a relative of veteran politician Sikota Wina, said although the police arrived at the scene immediately and arrested one youth, she would, for now, not stay in the house because she fears for her life.

"I don't know what they want, they beat me up for being a PF member and now all because I reported the story to the press, they are intimidating me," Chifumbano said.

She said she had had problems since last month's attack as a check at the hospital where an ultrasound scan was done revealed that one of her kidneys was inflamed.

And a police source confirmed the arrest of one youth to help with
investigations while a named suspected ring leader was being sought.
On Monday August 22, Chifumbano was on her way home from a PF meeting
around 17:00 hours was attacked by four MMD youths clad in their
party regalia.

"They chanted an MMD slogan and I responded with a PF slogan when four
youths, amongst them Seba Sebastian, who I personally know started
to beat me," Chifumbano said.

She said Seba and the other youths, whom she could identify, kicked
her in the abdomen and hips until her neighbours came to her rescue.

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