
Monday, September 05, 2011

MMD resorts to violence in Chongwe

MMD resorts to violence in Chongwe
By Ernest Chanda in Chongwe
Sun 04 Sep. 2011, 14:50 CAT

MMD cadres led by Lusaka Province party chairman William Banda yesterday morning physically attacked and assaulted villagers in Chongwe's Waterfalls area over PF campaign posters, in full view of over 40 police officers. And the MMD cadres also smashed windows on Chongwe PF parliamentary candidate Sylvia Masebo's two vehicles, injuring her driver Pethias Mutale.

According to victims spoken to at the scene, Banda arrived at their village at about 10:30 hours and ordered the villagers to remove all PF campaign posters since President Banda was due to address a rally in Chongwe.

After they refused to follow the orders, Banda threatened to beat them up and soon after drove off for about one hour and thirty minutes before returning alone with the same orders to the villagers.

He then started telling off the police officers and pushing them around at the scene and declared that he could not be stopped by them (police) as he had the authority of President Banda.

He then pulled out a walkie-talkie and ordered the cadres to follow him where he was.

The victims said they were shocked that within minutes, three minibuses and three vans arrived full of MMD cadres armed with machetes.

Banda then ordered the cadres to "sort out" the helpless villagers and attacked then with stones while pulling down PF campaign posters around the village.

One of the victims of the attacks, Chama Mulubwa, who was bleeding from the mouth by press time said he was beaten up for wearing PF regalia.

"They beat me up without me doing anything. They stoned me and kicked me all over. And when I fell down they continued kicking and stoning me. I could have died," he said.

Another victim Getrude Chanda, who suffered a swollen right eye said she was trying to rescue a baby from the back of her colleague Jacqueline Chibwe who was being attacked by the cadres.

Chanda said in the process she was attacked and hit with a big stone in her face causing her to fall down.

And Chibwe said the cadres looted foodstuffs from her house such as chicken, mealie-meal, vegetables and whatever they could lay their hands on.

Another victim, Judith Chanda, complained that they did not do anything wrong to deserve such barbaric acts.

Chanda said that she and her colleagues were just chatting and were suddenly pounced on by the MMD cadres.

Natalia Banda, 69, complained that she was pulled from under the bed in her house where she was hiding following the attacks.

Banda said when she was taken outside, she was beaten and stoned for no reason.

Andrew Lombe, another victim, had his house doors broken by MMD cadres.

Lombe explained that when the cadres found his wife inside the house, they dragged her outside and beat her up.

Masebo's driver Mutale explained that the MMD cadres threw stones at the Toyota Landcruiser he was driving.

Mutale said upon noticing that he was under attack, he quickly came out of the car through the passenger door.

"We were there and Honourable Masebo was trying to compromise with the police. William Banda was not there at the time. He just came and started using vulgar language against Honourable Masebo. And then he said, ‘there is nothing you are going to do, I am going to call my boys,'" Mutale said.

"Moses Muteteka, the former deputy minister, tried to calm William Banda down but he said ‘f*** off. There is nothing that you can tell me.' Muteteka just stood like a child and William Banda started pushing police officers. In fact, one of the police officers was very senior because he had white stuff on his cap. After we pleaded with police to help us, they said they cannot do anything since the cadres have authority from above."

Later in an interview at the scene, Masebo said the country had gone to the dogs. She warned President Banda that he would reap what he was sowing.

"This country has gone to the dogs, William Banda has totally turned MMD into a terrorist party. From 04:00 hours, MMD started removing posters of me and Michael Sata and all the PF flags," said Masebo.

"If you rule a country by blood, you will leave the same position through blood. What Rupiah Banda has sown today in this country, he is going to pay. These cases will not rest. One day these cases will come again, and I pray to God that that day will come after the 20th of September."

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