Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MMD-hired voters emerge as Mulyata uproots communal tap

MMD-hired voters emerge as Mulyata uproots communal tap
By Roy Habaalu in Mongu
Tue 27 Sep. 2011, 10:40 CAT

ALERT PF officials on Saturday impounded trucks carrying people that were suspected to have been ferried to vote in Sikongo on their return trip to Lusaka. And former Mongu Central member of parliament Joseph Mulyata has uprooted a community tap that was installed using Constituency Development Funds (CDF).

The Patriotic Front officials, led by Mongu district chairman Mulenga Tembo and other members, effected a citizens arrest on the suspected voters at Mulamba harbour around 14:00 hours.

Before going to the police station, the voters were briefly interrogated at the harbour, where they said they were told to travel and vote for Rupiah Banda and the MMD candidate Mundia Ndalamei.

"What can we do? We were just told that all was in place: food, transport and allowances for us if we voted for MMD and president Banda. We wanted money because we're suffering. Some of us were registered in Lusaka but arrangements to vote in Sikongo were made by the provincial administration," said one of the voters during an interrogation.

Sources at the Provincial Accounts Control Unit (PACU) said an accounts clerk was sent to Sikongo to pay voters coming from Lusaka and facilitate for their accommodation and meals.

"Those voters were paid K1 million each for the seven days they spent there. Billions of money meant for poverty reduction and developmental projects was sent to Sikongo to pay voters that were coming from Lusaka. One officer Abel Mkandawire, an accounts clerk, was the one paying those voters and the chap became arrogant because he thought MMD would win. The chap was openly campaigning for MMD and bragged that if MMD wins those that tried to block him would be dealt with," said the source.

"Government vehicles were released by the provincial office to help campaign for the MMD."

Western Province police commanding officer Phanwell Siandenge said the voters were released, pending further investigations. Meanwhile, a check by The Post in North Park area found the tap removed with only holes remaining.

"Mulyata himself removed that tap because he felt betrayed that his own relatives (Mbundas and Luvales) who are the majority in the area didn't vote for him. He was angry that they cheated that they would vote for him but things turned out otherwise. This Don't kubeba slogan taught us a bitter lesson," said an MMD official.

Mulyata had not been seen in public a day before voting and recently wrote to the police that his life was in danger.

Meanwhile, former Kanyonyo MMD councillor Yowano Chisambwe locked himself and family in the house for two days after PF supporters surrounded it, demanding that he be arrested.

The jubilant supporters told Chisambwe to take the list of alleged Linyungandambo members he had prepared to the police.

"He prepared a list of our names, warning that if MMD wins, we will be arrested. Come out and arrest us, we are here; arrest us. You thought you would steal forever; we are here, arrest us before we arrest you," they shouted.

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