
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(HERALD) Mujuru’s death dominates Parly debate

Mujuru’s death dominates Parly debate
Wednesday, 12 October 2011 00:00
Herald Reporter

Retired General Solomon Mujuru's death dominated debate in the House of Assembly with MDC-T legislators calling for the hiring of private investigators to ascertain circumstances surrounding the death.

However, Zanu-PF MPs said it was important for legislators to respect Gen Mujuru by debating the motion sincerely without cheap politicking. Mwenezi East MP Cde Kudakwashe Bhasikiti (Zanu-PF) moved the motion. MDC-T legislators said they had lost faith in the State security agencies conducting the investigations. They accused Zanu-PF of having a hand in General Mujuru's death.

"As far as we are concerned Gen Mujuru was a trained soldier who could not die from a candle unless if you tell us that the candle had been bewitched," Masvingo Central legislator (MDC-T) Mr Jeffryson Chitando said.

"We should have looked for foreign investigators maybe from China, Russia or any other country. We want independent investigators."

Mr Tachiona Mharadza of Masvingo West (MDC-T) said:

"The enquiry into the circumstances surrounding Cde Mujuru's death won't work because we have so many people who were murdered but up to now we don't know the outcome from the enquiries."

He said: "Gen Mujuru was a unifier who did not choose whether one was from this or that party. We want a private investigator who will be able to tell us what happened because we had people tampering with the evidence at the scene before investigations had been conducted."

Buhera North legislator Cde William Mutomba (Zanu-PF), however, called for unity of purpose among parliamentarians. He said there was need for MPs to learn from Gen Mujuru who treated people with dignity.

"It doesn't matter whether one is from Zanu-PF or MDC, all we should do is to respect Cde Mujuru by debating the motion in a proper manner."

He urged parliamentarians to emulate Gen Mujuru and create employment for people in their constituencies. Cde Mutomba said he was humbled by the presence of all political parties at the burial of General Mujuru. He said that unity of purpose should be expressed even in Parliament.

Zvishavane MP, Cde Obert Matshalaga added: "Cde Mujuru was a selfless cadre who spent most of his youth dedicating his life to liberate this country. We should respect him by debating this motion properly."

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