
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(HERALD) War veterans seek audience with Biti

War veterans seek audience with Biti
Wednesday, 12 October 2011 00:00
Herald Reporters

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association leaders have accused Finance Minister Tendai Biti of avoiding them when they want to discuss critical issues.

Minister Biti has on several occasions avoided meeting the war veterans to discuss their welfare. The war veterans' leadership visited Minister Biti's offices demanding soft loans for agricultural inputs. However, the war veterans led by Cde Joseph Chinotimba failed to meet the finance minister. He was reportedly in a meeting elsewhere.

"What we want is money for inputs. We have the land but we do not have money for inputs.

"What is disturbing us is the Minister has been avoiding us for the past months and he is insensitive to our concerns.

"We can only put the blame on the honourable Minister if he doesn't act after meeting him rather than accusing him now. We want to meet him and iron out issues." Cde Chinotimba said the war veterans believed in dialogue.

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