Monday, October 24, 2011

Musokotwane subjects jeer at chief Mukuni

Musokotwane subjects jeer at chief Mukuni
By Henry Chibulu in Kazungula
Mon 24 Oct. 2011, 08:30 CAT

MEMBERS of the Musokotwane Royal Establishment of Kazungula on Saturday jeered at and insulted chief Mukuni as he attempted to introduce Matthews Musokotwane as their new chief. Chief Mukuni (right) and his entourage had to be sent back by armed police officers deployed to quell any possible violence at the palace.

Chief Mukuni and former Livingstone district commissioner David Siansundi, who is also a village headman, drove to Musokotwane palace to introduce the new chief to the people.

Village headmen and subjects gave chief Mukuni and the new chief a cold shoulder, jeering and hurling insults at him before armed state security officers asked them to leave.

The members of the royal family ordered chief Mukuni to return to his palace as his actions were illegal and in contravention of their norms.

The irate senior members warned chief Mukuni to stop interfering in the selection of a new chief.

Royal establishment spokesperson Robson Kagutwe said chief Mukuni deserved the treatment because of using underhand methods to impose a chief on the people of Musokotwane.

Kagutwe said angry members of the royal family and village headmen opposed to Mathews Musokotwane as new chief also razed a structure erected on instructions by chief Mukuni.

He wondered why chief Mukuni ignored a court injunction which was granted to one of the candidates, restraining the new chief to take over office until the matter was determined.

"This matter is still active in the court of law but we wonder where chief Mukuni is getting the courage to disrespect the court decision.

How could he bring somebody who has been rejected by the royal establishment, village headmen and their subjects? The new chief, who was hand-picked has no blessings from the royal establishment because he has never been a candidate," said Kagutwe.

He praised the armed police officers for exercising professionalism during the disturbances.

But chief Mukuni's prime minister Jairos Kayama condemned the behaviour of some members of the royal family as disrespectful of chief Mukuni.

Kayama said chief Mukuni did not deserve the abusive language which was used by some village headmen and members of the royal family. He said the chief was forced to abandon the function at Musokotwane palace because his life and that of the new chief were in danger because of the violent behaviour.

Siansundi refused to comment on the matter. The Musokotwane Royal Establishment has vowed not to recognise Mathews Musokotwane as new chief because the royal establishment did not choose him.

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