Monday, October 17, 2011

Mutharika bemoans slowness on Comesa policy implementation

Mutharika bemoans slowness on Comesa policy implementation
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Mon 17 Oct. 2011, 12:40 CAT

NEW Comesa chairperson Professor Bingu wa Mutharika says the region still faces the slow implementation of policies it formulates. President Mutharika of Malawi said despite the Comesa region managing to adopt the appropriate policies and regulatory environment, member states had failed to implement them.

He was speaking after he assumed office as new chairperson of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) Authority on Saturday.

"Much as Comesa has been successful in adopting the appropriate policy and regulatory environment, the biggest challenge remains the disconnect that exists between the policy statements and effective implementation at national level. There is also a related challenge that Comesa programmes are not fully reflected in our national growth and development strategy," he said.

President Mutharika said the failure to implement policies was causing limitations in the realisation of the benefits of the regional integration efforts.

He pledged to address the challenges faced by Comesa.

President Mutharika proposed the establishment of a robust regional science and technology park which would be a center of excellence and it would build the requisite skills and technology capacity for the region.

He also proposed the advancement of the African Food Basket as the pillar for food and security programme within the Comesa region.

"There is need to support the industrialisation programme for the region. Statistics indicate that 70 per cent of imports by member states are manufactured products. This is likely to erode the essence of regional integration if left to persist," said President Mutharika.

He took over office as chair of Comesa during the opening of the Summit of Heads of State and Governments at State House grounds in Lilongwe, Malawi on Saturday.

Sudanese President Omar al Bashir, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi witnessed the handover of the instruments of power by King Mswati III to President Mutharika.

Zambia's Vice-President Dr Guy Scott was also present at the summit.

The summit also discussed the Customs Union, whose transition period ends in June 2012.

The Comesa Customs Union was launched in 2009 but a transition period was immediately put in place to allow member states to align their policies to allow for its full implementation.

The need to further work together as building blocks of the African Union was emphasised during the first day of the summit and the tripartite grand Free Trade Area by Comesa, the EAC and SADC were discussed in detail.

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