Sunday, October 09, 2011

(ZIMPAPERS) We are against pseudo NGOs—VP Mujuru

We are against pseudo NGOs—VP Mujuru
Saturday, 08 October 2011 22:44
By Lincoln Towindo

VICE-PRESIDENT Mujuru has urged non-governmental organisations operating in rural communities to complement Government development programmes and desist from dabbling in politics.

Speaking at the launch of a multimillion-dollar community building project in Rushinga yesterday, she said Government would work closely with NGOs without hidden agendas.

“The types of NGOs that we want to work with are those that complement development efforts being made by Government and not the ones seeking to foment divisions within our communities,” she said.

“We have a history of working closely with NGOs since the days of the liberation struggle. NGOs did not start today; they supported us during the struggle by providing us with clothing and, in some instances, arming us.

“However, we are against pseudo NGOs which come into our communities with hidden agendas, those that do not respect our norms and values, the ones that do not wish to see us become self-sufficient.

“We would rather you teach us how to fish rather than giving us fish to eat.”
Cde Mujuru castigated the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) and seed companies in Mashonaland Central for supplying farmers with seed unsuitable for the climatic conditions in the province.

She also castigated the GMB for overpricing maize, thereby condemning the villagers who were victims of poor harvests to hunger.

“Last season, the GMB and seed companies supplied this province with the wrong variety of seeds, leading to very poor harvests and suffering of our people.

“Today, the local GMB has over 825 tonnes of maize within its silos but this has not helped alleviate the problem of hunger since it is priced beyond the reach of many.

“Because of the steep prices, we have maize that has been in the silos for periods ranging between two to three years and this is not acceptable.”

The event was held to officially launch self-sustenance projects worth US$2 million that are being administered by local NGO, Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT).

Among the projects are livestock market pens, dam rehabilitation and market gardening.

Speaking at the same event, Rushinga Member of the House of Assembly Cde Lazarus Dokora urged the community to work towards developing the constituency.

- The Sunday Mail

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