Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Details of Rupiah's meeting with DEC gold buyers emerge

Details of Rupiah's meeting with DEC gold buyers emerge
By Staff Reporters
Tue 20 Dec. 2011, 13:59 CAT

RUPIAH Banda welcomed and held a secretive meeting with gold buyers in Mfuwe the day the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) sold the minerals under pressure from State House, according to highly-placed sources.

President Michael Sata, soon after his election in September, revealed that his predecessor Banda had links to Switzerland-based businessman Nicolae Bogdan Buzaianu but the former president denied any role in the deal while the latter equally dismissed allegations and threatened to sue the Zambian government, seeking US$100 million compensation for defamation.

However, highly-placed sources in Mfuwe in Eastern Province separately revealed that Banda and Buzaianu held meetings in the tourist resort during the period the gold deal took place.

The sources said Banda, the then Republican president, flew to Mfuwe around July 5, 2011 aboard the Presidential Challenger plane.

The sources said on July 6, 2011 Buzaianu and his team arrived at Mfuwe International Airport aboard a private jet registration number N310GJ belonging to Sonning.

Sonning did not respond to The Post's press query.

The sources said Buzaianu and his team flew from Switzerland and Banda welcomed them at Mfuwe International Airport.

"On the private jet there were about three crew members and four passengers. The number of people on board was seven and these were Bogdan Nicolae Buzaianu, Mortara Roccardo, Gaspoz Melanie, Roberto David, Emmanuel Machu, Dragos Nitescu and Iriwel Mihai Mocnu. These people were welcomed by president Rupiah Banda and they spent a few minutes in the VIP lounge at Mfuwe International Airport," the source said.

"Records are there at Mfuwe International Airport immigration office. These people landed at Mfuwe International Airport at 07:46 hours Zambian time. The National Airport Corporation cleared the planeā€¦the plane belongs to Sonning. After president Banda welcomed these seven persons, these people together with Mr Banda proceeded to Chichele Lodge using a presidential chopper and they held a meeting at Chichele Lodge."

The sources revealed that later around 09:00 hours, the jet in question flew from Mfuwe to Lusaka.

"If you remember very well, the sale of gold took place around 7th or 8th July, 2011. The same day when the gold was sold, the jet flew back to Mfuwe from Lusaka and arrived in the evening," the source said.

"The people that bought gold in Lusaka picked their colleagues who were in Mfuwe and left for Europe the same evening. This is the route the gold took. The day the gold was being sold president Banda was in Mfuwe and he met the buyers before and after they got the gold. So, from this explanation, I hope you now understand why President Sata said president Banda has links to the buyers of that gold. It is clear there was connivance in this deal between State House, president Banda in particular, and the gold buyers."

Another source confirmed that Buzaianu spent a night at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka around July 7 and July 8, 2011.

"Buzaianu has since toned down on the threats to sue the Zambian government after realising that the government and President Sata have information that he met Mr Banda in Mfuwe at the time the gold was sold, bought and that the government has solid informtion that he spent a night at Pamodzi Hotel on the said dates," the source said.

When contacted for a comment on new revelations about Buzaianu's meetings with Banda during the period the gold was sold, Lusaka-based lawyer Sakwiba Sikota, who is representing Buzaianu, could neither confirm nor deny the Switzerland-based businessman's presence in Zambia at the time in question.

"My comments are just simply that the writs lawsuits are coming with regards to those allegations on the gold scam. The Post is also part of the ones being sued with regards to that. So it's a matter that will be heard in court in that there is that process. It wouldn't be right for me to go into the merits or demerits of the matter. All I can confirm is that the writs, including the writs to The Post, is on its way," said Sikota.

"It's just that we have been distracted by so many things like you saw the searches that were being done and everything because those instructions are firm instructions. In fact, I can confidently state that next week refering to this week the writs are being served on the various parties."

Buzaianu has threatened to sue all media houses that covered President Sata's allegations against him in connection with the gold scam.

Banda's administrative secretary Mikatazo Wakumelo declined to comment on the Banda-Buzaianu meetings.

"You know the issue of Buzaianu is in court. Isn't it? And the lawyer is the one who made...how do you want us to comment on Buzaianu on the issue which is in court?" said Wakumelo.

President Sata has dared Buzaianu to sue the government.

"Buzaianu's demand for an apology and compensation is completely groundless and is utterly unacceptable for Zambia," stated President Sata, adding that Buzaianu was at liberty to exhaust all legal avenues available to him.

"In fact, we need Buzaianu to come to Zambia and help with investigations. More details that require his clarification are coming out hence the need to have him in person."

Sikota, on behalf of Buzaianu, had stated: "We are instructed to sue for defamation and claim for damages. Our client has also instructed us to sue the Zambian government for the false and defamatory statements imputing our client is a fugitive from the law and is on the Drug Enforcement Commission and Zambia Police wanted or watch-lists. Our client will be seeking $100 million in damages for the injury to his reputation. Our client will be seeking these damages not in order to enrich himself or profit from the same but as vindication that he did nothing wrong."

President Sata revealed that soon after Banda lost the elections Buzaianu came to Zambia and met the former.

Banda confirmed meeting Buzaianu but denied having any links to the gold scam.

A media release from Banda's office stated: "President Banda welcomes the investigations of the sale of gold by the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), which has been linked to Dr Buzaianu. All the relevant people involved in this transaction are available and will provide necessary answers to the investigating team but suffice to say that no gold went missing mysteriously as has been portrayed."

The DEC seized the gold in question estimated to be about 118 kgs in 2007 from two Zimbabweans. The duo was jailed while the gold was forfeited to the Zambian government. The gold was sold for about K19 billion in July this year, below the market value, and it is widely believed that the sale was under the influence from State House during Banda's rule.

Sources revealed that Banda's presidential press aide Dickson Jere introduced the buyers of the said gold to the DEC. President Sata said during Buzaianu's visit in October, he met Banda, Jere and the former president's son James Banda.

President Sata on October 15, 2011 revoked the appointment of Buzaianu as Zambia's permanent representative to UNESCO.

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